Gray: Saying um is simply the human way of buffering.

Lucy: No. ಠ_ಠ

Mira: Let's see...... the answer is YES! But I won't tell which one. Guess for yourselves. 😉 Anyway, can I ask the next one?

Lucy: Sure~!

Mira: Okay...

4th truth-Elfman, if you had to kill Mirajane or evergreen which would it be


Lucy: WARR–

Elfman: *runs in* RUNNING IS MANLY!

Lucy: ;;

Erza: Well... Elfman... *shows him the question*

Elfman: ...... Not answering questions is manly...?

Mira: *cries*

Elfman: Oh, uh, don't cry Mira-nee! I'd rather... do that... to Evergreen!

Mira: *cries harder* But then you'll break my ship!!!!

Elfman: ...huh?

While Mirajane is sobbing and Elfman is trying to console her, Natsu decides to read the next truth.

Natsu: Alright! The next one is...

5th truth-bickslow do u love Lisanna

Lucy: WA–


Lucy: Jeez...

Bickslow: *comes in* Did 'ya need me, Warren? And why is Mira crying? Did Gray–

Gray: Long story. And no, it wasn't me. ;;

Happy: For once.

Gray: Shut up.

Lucy: Actually, Bickslow, we got a question for you... *shows him truth*

Bickslow: Um... I might... maybe... I don't know... *runs out*

Mira: *suddenly stops crying* MY SHIP!!!! *starts cheering*

Elfman: Umm... *slowly backs away from Mira*

Erza: I shall read the next one.

6th truth-freed did you ever have a crush on mira

Freed: *comes in* What's going on, Warren?

Gray: Actually... *shows Freed the question*

Freed: 0-0 Umm..... maybe? I-I think I hear Laxus calling for me? COMING! *leaves*

Elfman: ... can I read the next one?

Lucy: Sure!

Elfman: Well then...

7th truth-laxsus did u ever have feelings for mira

Laxus: *comes in* Warren, you called?

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