Chapter 3

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{Sebastian's POV}

As I was preparing my young master's lunch, I couldn't help but to work harder to make his lunch a perfection, for anything less than perfect, wouldn't suit someone as perfect as my master. Though my young master never says anything about my cooking, I know he enjoys it because of how his eyes light up everytime I walk in to give him his meal.

I began to get into a rhythm as my movements in preparing my master's lunch, became a dance. Moving my limbs in my own tune, swaying from left to right getting each ingredient for my master's lunch, when I felt the contract sign that my master and I both share, started to glow it's bright violet color. A sign that my master was in distress, I wasted no time to get to my master's study, and see what caused my master to be distressed.

Standing outside the door of my young master's study, I  heard him cry out my name in fear through the door. I immediately opened the door to find my master's sleeping form at his desk, shaking violently with tears rolling down his flushed cheeks. I was quickly at his side and started to shake him awake from his nightmare.

"Young Master!! Young Master!! Wake up!! Ciel!!!" I said in attempts to wake him which it didn't work, I kept calling out to him while shaking him more, not giving up.

Finally Ciel woke up panting, trying to catch his breath,with more tears falling down his face. He looked scared and pale as if he had been traumatized. He then lifted his small hands to his palid face and as if on cue he realized that he had been crying. Seeing this Ciel started to desperatley wipe away the tears that rolled off his flushed face.

Feeling guilt for just standing there not doing anything, I wrapped my arms around my young master's petite angel like figure. Startled by my action he looked up at me with his tear filled but beautiful multicolored eyes, meeting my worried filled crimson ones. He started to cry harder as he buried his face into my chest as sobs started to quake out of him.

Still holding him in my arms, I started to massage his back, and ran  my gloved fingers through his hair, finding ways to comfort my master. I've never seen the young master so upset and mortified since the first few weeks that we've been bound by our contract. Ciel was still having the same nightmare of his parents deaths at the time, and would wake up panting, screaming and crying all the time. Though at first I wouldn't comfort him like I am right now, because of how we where still getting use to each other. But now I would do anything to get rid of all his nightmares and fears, just to see him smile like he did before the death of his parents and before he was tortured like a caged animal. Loving him now makes me more motivated to find his killers and tear them up limb from limb, for hurting my precious young master.

After a while my master had stopped sobbing and was silently crying on my chest. We stayed in silence, until my master's breathing had become slow and steady, indicating that he was asleep. I carefully picked him up bridal style making sure that I didn't wake him up. He feels so fragel, like a glass rose and if it where to fall it would break. I walked out of the study and headed towards my masters' bedroom. Once I got there I went towards the bed and gently layed him down. I looked at his sleeping figure and saw how peaceful he looked. I gently caressed his cheek with my gloved hand and I leaned into my master's lips and gave him a kiss. The kiss was warm and gentle, his lips tasting sweet like the strawberry parfait I gave him for breakfast this morning.

I slowly broke away from my master's soft lips and I stood there for a moment admiring how beautiful and cute my master looked. After I covered him with a blanket I walked towards  the door about to walk out of the room, but I stopped and took once last glance at my young master before walking out.


Okay sorry for the late update but I had to do some important stuff for school and my mom kept bothering me with stuff so yeah.........😕

Also comment and vote and please tell me what I should do to make this sebciel fanfic better for all of you lovely people who actually read my story. 👍

So..... That's pretty much all I have to say so I hope you guys enjoyed this. 😊

~MissYaoiUnicorn out ✌

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