The Basketball Team

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"Why're you so bothered by that? It's not like you have anything in the front. That's classic you!" the dark-blue haired girl laughed. The brown haired girl punched her friend's arm in embarrassment, huffing.

"But, you know, I hope our club gets some fresh blood. Not a lot of girls join, which is real bad for us!" the blue haired girl whined.

"Yeah, I hear you... Let's just wait and see what happens" the brown haired suggested. I stared at the two girl's, finally recalling where I've seen them before. Right before Amagi was thrown into the television, I bumped into them after school. If I recall, Hanamura got a punch in the face after disrespecting Nise's hand writing.


Early Morning...

Hanamura sighed out in exhaustion as he rested his chin on his desk. I stared at him as he mumbled, a soft pink on his cheeks.

"Good Morning, Hanamura" I greeted after staring at him for a little bit. Hanamura tensed up as his cheeks reddened. I blinked in confusion, tilting my head slightly. Hanamura cleared his throat as he slowly sat up, resting his right on his right hand.

"Mornin'..." Hanamura replied weakly, the once red cheeks disappearing. He went silent after that, avoiding eye contact with me. Something was obviously wrong with him. I opened my mouth, wanting to ask him what was the matter, when the sound of the door opening caught my attention. It was Nise, a familiar bright smile on his face as he happily walked inside.

"Goood Mornin'!" Nise greeted, slipping off a strap of his blue backpack.

"Good Morning" I greeted with a nod as Hanamura groaned. Nise threw his bag onto his desk as he sat on the edge of the desk, a grateful smile on his face.

"Thanks for your help yesterday!" Nise chirped, looking at me then over the Hanamura. Hanamura groaned once again, not saying a proper word. Nise ignored him and looked back over at me with a worried expression.

"Hey, about that cut you got... It didn't stir up to much trouble did it? Like, over at your place with the folks your stayin' with?" Nise asked nervously. I blinked at him in surprise as I touched the bandage.

"Ah, well... My uncle didn't come home last night, and his daughter didn't notice because of my hair" I explained. I looked over to Hanamura, who had one eye open, listening to our conversation. "After you and Amagi-san left, Hanamura took out some bandages from his father's office and fixed me." Hanamura's face exploded red as he looked away, gritting his teeth.

"Can we please not talk about my dad right now?" Hanamura muttered, finally using words. I stared at him in confusion as he sighed, trying to regain his composure.

"What's wrong with you, dude?" Nise asked, raising an eyebrow, earning a groan of exhaustion.

"I'm totally spent..." Hanamura began. "But, we did save Yukiko. So I guess that makes up for it." A small smile formed on Hanamura's face as he slowly got his energy back. I nodded in agreement before looking over to Nise.

"So, where is Amagi-san? She didn't come to school with you?" I asked. Nise frowned a little bit as he rubbed the back of his head.

"Nah, she's still pretty beat up considerin' all that happened. So she's going to a couple days off" Nise explained. A bright smile fell on his face as he gave a thumbs up.

"But hey! Don't worry, she wanted me to tell you guys that she'll be fine" Nise chirped. He stood up straight from his desk and pulled out his chair.

Persona 4: Eyes of Truth [Please Read New Ver.]Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora