Chapter I | The Beggining

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Atlas' POV

I heard a loud beeping noise. Everything around me was black. I? I thought to myself. Is this a...dream? Am I...dreaming? I looked around myself.

The noise was still going off. I then saw my brother, Ace. "Hey. Hey, Atlas," he called. What the, why can't I respond? I'm trying to say something but...

     "Atlas...ATLAS WAKE UP!" Ace bellowed, probably at the top of his lungs.

"Wahhh!" I yelped, leaping up. "Jeez, no need to yell," I shakily mutter, turning off my alarm.

"No need to sleep in on our tenth birthday, either!" Ace growled angrily. My eyes widened in shock. "Oh jeez, I totally forgot!" "Ya don't say?" Ace roared.

I leapt out of bed and kicked him out of my room, locking the door. After getting dressed, I left my room and jumped down the staircase, landing on my feet.

"Show off," Inferno mumbled, eating his cereal. Inferno was my other brother, also quite annoying.

"Oh please, you slide down the railing every morning, am I not allowed to jump down all seven steps in one jump?" I ask, making it sound like nothing.

"Sliding down *munch* the railing is *crunch* easy, jumping is *munch* hard." Inferno managed through a full mouth of Cheerios.

"Don't talk with your mouth full," I ordered. "I'm Atlas, the control freak!" Inferno mocked. I sighed, heading to the kitchen.

I stood on the stool, due to being short, and grabbed a box of Reese Puffs. I dumped them into my bowl and then poured in the milk.

After breakfast, we sped out to professor Oak's lab. We entered the lab and were shocked to see all the pokéballs empty.

"Uhhh...where...are all...the Pokémon?" We asked in unison, dumbstruck.

"Well, you three were late, so I had to give them to other trainers," Oak replied. The second professor oak stopped talking, Inferno and Ace started nagging me of how I made us late.

"This is your fault! All your fault!" Ace scolded. "If it weren't for your stupidity, we would've made it!" yelled Inferno.

"Boys, boys," Oak said. "I have a solution!" Inferno and Ace turned to him.

"Hang Atlas for all eternity?" They asked simultaneously. Oak looked concerned for them, their sanity, that is.

"No, I was going to say you could catch your own Pokémon, using these." Oak explained, pulling eighteen pokéballs from his pockets. How he had fit so many inside there - I had no idea.

"Six for each of you. Also, please take these, as well. This is the Pokédex. I want you to capture lots of Pokémon on your journey."

With that, the three of us headed outside and started searching for a suitable partner, but we had no luck.

"Well, I'm sorry, but you can always start your adventure now and catch some on the way," Oak suggested.

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