1. Introduction

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I walked into the prison school of mine. I’m a nerd which is why I call it prison or even worse ‘hell’. I just wish people would leave me alone, I’m known as teacher’s pet, smarty pants, and goody two shoes. My mind got cut off by Jai slamming my locker close. Let me tell you that me and Jai was inseparable, we were best friends from 2nd grade until Jai had a girlfriend in 5th grade. Jai’s girlfriend cheated on him in the 6th grade. Jai pushed everyone away including me. He changed into a fuck boy and became popular just because girls drool over him and the guys want to be like him.

“Sup Ugly” Jai pushed me harshly against my locker and backed me up against it. I looked down “Aww is the nerd not gonna say anything, poor thing” He said then I heard the clicking of the heels walking my way

“Eww Jai baby leave her alone. She’s too ugly to be near you. She would never be like me” Mikayla a.k.a Jai’s girlfriend said in a high pitch voice then she slapped me. I fell to the ground and felt heat rising into my cheeks.

She laughed, “Baby let’s go she's too weak to play around with anyway” she clinged onto Jai's arm then walked to their friends

I got up and ran home and cried in my room

*Knock* *Knock*

“Honey? Sweetie open the door” I got up slowly then opened the door

“Honey why are you crying?” My mom asked looking me in the eyes examining me

“Mom I wanna leave school. I wanna go to grandma’s house and go to school there” I cried harder

“Shh baby. Just go to sleep. I’ll tell the school you're gonna transfer” I let go then went into a slumber

-Slept for a few hours-

“Baby I packed up your stuffs. You're gonna have to get up. Your dad is gonna drop you off” She woke me up

I hugged her then went downstairs to see my dad standing by the door waiting. Then he walked out and started the engine.

“Bye Sweetie. See you soon” She blew me a kiss

I got in the car sitting in the back listening to music then drifted into another world of mine which I call imagination

-Skip car journey-

“Makamae. We’re here” My dad parked on the side of the road and got out helping me grab my stuffs

I hugged my dad before I left into the house and decorate my room.

“You do know living here is temporary. You’re only staying here in a little bit until it’s time we take you back” I nodded then let go
He started the engine and said goodbye

“Hey grandma” I smiled

“Hi my honey” My grandma said

“Come eat first then go do whatever you have to do okay” She said

“Okay grandma” I did what I was told.
I finished eating then decorated my room then showered and then went to sleep.

I know it's boring and all probably. But I promise you, it will get intresting and better. This is just a starter. So please Comment/Vote because it really motivates me. I don't expect you guys to comment on here because it is boring but at least you please vote. It'll make me take notice and maybe read your books if so. Love you guys❤

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