A little less sixteen candles...

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I was sitting in my old run down apartment. Flipping through a comic, it was about vampire hunters. I was waiting for my dad to get home, I didn't have anything better to do. He wasn't the model "Father of the Year" kind of guy. After my mom went missing and she was announced dead he lost it. He was always getting drunk, so he never could have a stable job and he was always bringing home a new girl to well...you know. We ended up moving from the beautiful suburbs to the run down part of the city. After all my father couldn't get a good enough job to live there anymore. It was this part of the city that was overruned by vampires. Where I live they're not myths or fairytales there real. And their monsters. The people who lived in the higher end neighborhoods and suburbs thought all the same: "Oh, thats Hollywood magic, and exaggeration! Those vampires aren't half as bad as they seem!" or "Pfft! Vampires is that what there calling them now?" some very few "Those vamps are best left alone we don't mess with them they don't mess with us."  Not like I had a choice to live here, I complain to my dad all the time of how horrible it is here.

Speaking of which, I heard the door slam open.  

"Oh! Friday Im hooooooome!" My dad slurred. Yeah thats right my name's Friday, I get enough shit about it at school. 

"Hi Dad." I said meekly peering from my door way as he got settled in the kitchen slumping in a chair at the table. 

"How was school?" He asked hiccuping, what was I suppose to tell him? 'Oh yeah! The kids said ther gonna beat me up tomorrow!' 

"Good, h-how was work?" I could've slapped myself. Why would I ever ask that. 

"Work. Work, work...Work! Uh, I got fired honey. Sorry, but the boss is blaming me!" It probably was his fault. 

"He's a-accusing me of being a la-azy worker! But I can tell yoooouuuu that I was muuuuuch o-f a w-worker as those other guuuuuys!" He said slurring and hiccuping. He went to work drunk thats why. 

"Its okay Dad, you can find a new one..." I mumbled looking at the floor.  

"Hey! I don't want that kind of attituuuuude! Its time you act your age!" He snapped. What attitude? I thought.

"Your twelve god damn it, and its time you act like it!" He stammered. I turned away as his breath which had smelt of alcohol had hit me.  

"Dad, I'm thirteen almost going to be fourteen. Remember?" I said. 

"D-don't yoooooou talk b-back to me!" He yelled. I cringed at him and backed away. 

"Now go back to your room!" He yelled. God, I hate it when he's drunk. I missed it when he was sober. Now overtime he gets drunk he has mood swings and usually ends up yelling at me for no reason.

"Oh sweeeeetie, I'm having one of my old co-workers over. When her and Daddy go to my room then you can come ooooout." He slurred. Then he burped, yeah my Dad was a sure lady's man. All sarcasm intended. I nodded and went to my room and closed the door and locked it. For no reason really. 

My room was so bare. A bed a small closet and a dresser. My bed pushed up in the corner, I had one window, not like there was a view. I had two posters and a picture and a little momentum on my night stand. All my furniture was old and outdated and my floors were rickety my walls had questionable stains and there was a leak in the ceiling. When you looked out my window it had those little fire escape stairs by the window. You could see and old abandon apartment building across the street and a little drug store next  to it. On the  other side was an old store that I've never been into. I'll make it a point to one day. My apartment was old and gross, and smelled. I had a small yellow kitchen with a tabled in the middle. There weren't any walls to separate it from the little section we made a living room out of. And my room was adjacent to my Dad's. The only possible plus side was the small bathroom I had to myself the little secret compartments and the secret room. And the rooftop view. 

A little less sixteen candles...Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin