Chapter 17-The Dream

Start from the beginning

I opened my eyes and she was still dreaming about those moments we had. I wanted to read her heart so I put my lips on hers.

I seen her heart beat and then seen it shattered like it was broken.

Why is it broken?

I closed my eyes and pressed my hand on her heart to see why she was broken.

"Because the book follows take the most innocent child with no powersto proceed onto the next step. The child essences are way stronger than the powerful's ones. Of course I know what I was doing dad. I'm clever just like you." I seen myself say I laugh.

"So you used her?" I seen my dad ask.

"I swear if he used me....Shit will not look pretty whenever I get saved hopefully...." she thought.

"To help you father? Of course." I seen myself say as I smirk.

A tear just came down her face.

"I just wish I just would've just ugh...." She thought.

"I felt like pieces just shattered. Even though I knew him for so short but it felt longer but I had a feeling of he just needed someone to be with to understand him. But maybe you just being blind does you that." She thinked.

"Ugh....This is totally all of my fault. Even when he kissed me and did all of that sorry sad look and shit. I blame myself...." she thinks as I opened my eyes.

Then I seen her turn her head as she sleeped. I just got up and looked.

I have to listen by what my dad says. But I don't know how to turn her into a phantom.... That's the only thing my dad never taught me.

She opened her eyes and then looked.

"What Aaron?" She asks.

"I was just admiring you." I said.

"Mh." She says.

"Would you like it if I turned you into a phantom?" I asked.

"Hell no." She says quickly.

"Well whenever my father turns you into one which will be I do not know now....but later on." I said.

"Aaron what has gotten into you? All about your lying evil no good father. At first you were" she says.

"So what?" I said as I folded my arms.

"So innocent, so faithful, so handsome, so understandable, so reasonable to fall in- Nothing the last I was just thinking of something else." She says as she turns her head and looks away.

"Mhum." I said as I rubbed my chin.

"Don't even get the wrong idea." She says.

"You must be good at hiding that you are extremely heartbroken." I said with a smirk.

"You must be good at hiding your real soft side." She says.

"Soft side? Never had that." I said as I sat next to her.

"Heartbroken? Never had that." She says as she scoots over.

"I read your heart and you are." I said as I pulled her back next to me.

"You know what Aaron I'm so tired of you and your bullshit now. Okay I was heartbroken but I'm way over it now." She says.

"Fine." I said as I took off the chains off of her.

"I wanna see if you are over me." I said as I touched her face. I kissed her cheek and then her neck.

"Move Aaron-" she says as I put my lips on hers.

"You know you really enjoy when I do this." I said as I pinned her down onto the floor.

I unbuttoned her shirt and pulled up her tank. I pulled up her bra too.

"Damn you are just too fuckin' sexy." I said as I bit down my lip.

"Aaron please-" she says as I pulled down her shorts and panties.

"Hush, you are over this right? Just admit your not and I'll stop." I said as I opened her legs wide open.

"Please don't do this I-Mmmm." She says as she bites down her lip.

I slid my tongue into her and she was enjoying it. When I finished she started to have her orgasm.

I smirked and then shove my two fingers into her.

She closed her eyes as moans came from her mouth.

"Fine....I'm...ah...not" she says as I stop.

"Was it that hard?" I asked as I laughed.

"Leave me alone." She says.

"You're just taking advantage of me now. You just are doing this to mess with me and get pussy when you want it." She says as she fixes her clothes.

"Think that if you want." I said.

"Why not just enslave me? Why be your sex slave? Why not work me hard until I die? Why not just beat on me every second? Why just torture me mentally and play over my heart? What do I do to deserve this?" She says as tears come from her face.

I looked and just snapped my fingers then left. The door was locked still and only I can unlock it.

I just shook my head and walked down the hallway to go check up my parents.

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