Chapter 1: I Promise.

Start from the beginning

"You're coming with me to this party Elene." She prearranged, hurling books in the locker beside me.

As I exchanged my books from the locker I replied calmly, "You know my answer. We're not having the same discussion again." I closed the locker and turned to face her, resting my back at the door of my locker.

"I can't manage alone. It gets boring after sometime." She groaned.

"You'll have Courtney and Amanda." I stated wryly, trying to get her off the topic.

"But it's not youuuu." She emphasized, in a whiny tone.

"You just need me to drive you back home since you'll probably be wasted." I replied her. This would surely shut her up.

She always knew my answer so she had stopped asking me for parties now. I wonder why this time she gained the courage to ask.

"Shut up, I'm not taking no as an answer this time Elene, it's more than enough. Till when you are going to deny these situations. One day or another, you have to move on in your life." She closed the locker door abruptly, suddenly getting serious.

There was no way for me to react at that as we were standing in the middle of the hallway. I gestured her that at least pore over that there are people in the hallway who are just waiting for a topic to start gossip on. She rolled her eyes.

"We've argued about this several times Melanie. You know I cannot even imagine going there. All those parties remind me of the time-" a lump lodged itself in my throat and I couldn't speak anymore. She knew I hated going to parties and still she wanted me to.

I don't know what was going on in her wits this time.

The bell rang and before Melanie could say anything I ran to my class, leaving her in full anger.

I thought she would simmer down till the next class or at least recess, but no. This time she was dead serious. And I was surprised seeing her like this again, after so long.

I came to the locker to take my notes for the journalism class and couldn't see Melanie there. She wasn't in the journalism class with me either. The seat next to me in the art class was also vacant. I tried calling her several times, but the phone was shut down. I bombarded her phone with texts, getting no reply.

I stopped at her house before going home, which was four blocks from mine. As I entered, Kate Hamm, Melanie's mother greeted me with the sweetest embrace with the most gorgeous jet black hair hanging loose.

"Hey, darling. Melanie's in the entertainment room. You know she's a bit off at you today." She said clarifying the fact that Melanie had already told her.

"I'll make it up to her. Thank you so much Kate." I assured her and rushed upstairs into the entertainment room.
When she saw me coming from the window, she eloped into her room. As soon as I entered the room, it was messed up. How on earth can I forget that Melanie is a spoiled creature?

She usually clutters her room when she's upset or mad at someone and ends up crying on seeing the mess she's made. It's cute somehow, no?

"Mel, stop. Just stop it!" I pushed the drawer in so she couldn't get more clothes out. "What is with you? You know I don't go to parties anymore. You know I hate talking to boys. Two months ago, you even stopped fixing me up with boys, then what happened now? All of a sudden, what popped into your wits that I would turn into the same Elene as I was before?" I sighed when I realized I was blaring.

There was a hush. Silence for two minutes. And then, "Oh just stop it Elene. Only I can see in your eyes how you feel when I go out with a guy and return passed out. When I make new friends at parties and gossip about them with Courtney and Amanda. You feel left out all the time. You want to be like us again but there's something inside you that's pulling you away. You need to put it together El." She waited for my response, but what could I possibly say? She was right. I did feel left out a bunch of times, it's just that I didn't show them.

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