C H A P T E R 3

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Here's chapter 3! Please people can you please comment vote and fan!!! I do read 4 reads and I really would appreciate it if you helped me out here. This one is for BeyondTheSilverMoon for the aweome cover and for being my first fan!!! Love ya!!! Enjoy.


C H A P T E R 3 (Aliyah's POV)

I didn't know where I was running, all I knew was that I needed to get away from Dylan. He changed so much since I last saw him. He was... different, in a hot way!

Ok, I seriously needed a brain scan. This is the same skinny kid who wore braces and stuck gum in your hair, and now your calling him hot?

I ran until I came to a large swimming pool with bleachers surrounding it.

I looked around me and nothing looked familiar. I was completely lost.

I kicked a wall out of frustration. I immediately felt a throbbing pain on my big toe. I had to fight the tears back. I screamed at the sky for my aching toe.

I turned to the pool and saw a pair of sea green eyes staring at me. They looked amused.

Just great, first day of school and I'm already going to be labeled as the freak who kicks walls.

I narrowed at my eyes at the guy in the pool. His eyes widened at me and he dove into the pool.

He dove in such a way that I caught a glimpse of something green and slimy. Was that a... Tail?!

"Wait, I need to talk to you," I yelled maybe he couldn't hear me underwater, or maybe he was just hoping I didn't see anything.

"I already saw you and I'm not leaving until I talk to you," I screamed.

I waited there for about ten minutes and a figure began to surface. He had dark brown hair, beautiful green eyes that looked like marbles and was well built.

He was familiar, too familiar.

"Oh my gosh! Kevin? Kevin Gill?" I exclaimed.

He scratched the back of his head and looked down.

"Great to see you again Leah," he said as his tail moved back and forth. Wait, his tail? So I wasn't going crazy, I really did see a tail. And those slits on his neck, were gills!

Kevin and I grew up together. We went to the same school for years.

He was never really the fittest of boys so basically he was the school punching bag. I helped him out, if anyone came near him, I would beat them away and in return he helped me with my art homework.

I sucked at art and he was amazing. He drew with such detail, it rocked.

We had each others back and we spent quite a bit of time together. Because of this Dylan got the whole school to believe that we were dating, and I couldn't do anything about it. Another reason I hate Dylan, he was the only person that made me feel weak. I hated feeling weak.

Kevin was like a brother to me, I felt I needed to protect him, but by looking at his new 6 pack I think he can protect himself just fine.

I realized I was staring at him and he blushed. I watched at he made his way to the pool steps. His tail immediately changed into a pair of legs and his gills disappeared

I turned away and closed my eyes thinking that he wasn't wearing a towel around his waist.

"Relax, I'm not naked, just wearing shorts," he laughed as he got out of the pool.

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