C H A P T E R 10

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I'm baackk! I've decided to carry on the story even if no one really reads it. It gets kinda interesting. Since this chapter was so short, I'm posting doubles! Yay! Ok so don't forget to check out the next one as well. I'm so excited this is my 1st double digit chapter! I know a lot of you don't read this nonsense but thank you to all of you who do!

This one is for all the people who stayed with me through the whole book!






C H A P T E R 10 (Dylan's POV)

While everyone was laughing at Zac and his chicken, I sneaked my way out and made my way up the stairs.

I did not like the way Dad was looking at Ali and I needed to figure out why she was so powerful.

I saw him there, standing against the railing just next to the top step.

He was talking to someone, Kate. She laughed and flicked her hair behind her shoulders. When I finally reached them her seductive smile disappeared, and then so did she.

"Hey! I was talking you know!" Dad grumbled, although it did seem I was doing him a favor by sending Kate away.

Kate was one our most.. Enthusiastic members. She is quite young, about Jen's age. The thing is she rejected her mate some 20 years ago, and I bet she's regretted it. The poor guy wouldn't take her back, so now she just has some flings with wolves here and there.

"Yeah right," I mumbled. He didn't seem to hear me. He just started casually picking at his nails. Same old dad.

"So that Leah girl is kinda nice. You gonna bang her?" He winked.

My face flushed with anger. How dare he speak about Ali as if she were a piece of disposable rubbish that you could just use and throw away?

"Don't! Don't speak like that about her!" I had to clench my teeth and calm myself before I snapped.

"Ooh Dylans gotta little crush I see?" He mocked. He knew he was getting to me and he was just waiting for me to burst.

"She's the new scholarship student!" I blurted out.

"She is the scholarship student? The great force that might kill us or save us all? But she's a bastard child!" He yelled.

That was it. He's gone too far. He shouldn't talk that way about anyone!

So I did what I've wanted to do since I was 8 years-old.

I punched my dad in the face.

"What the hell you son of a--" he started, but I cut him off.

"NO! Don't you dare speak to me like that! You have been making my life hell ever since mom died and I'm sick of it!" I shouted, the yelling had started up quite a crowd.

I even heard Ali's voice. I glanced at the stairs for a quick second before I felt it. A large blow to the back of the head.

The last thing I remember was a loud gasp before I blacked out.

'I dreamed I was in an empty room. Plain white and no furniture. Nothing in sight.

I tried calling out but there was no answer.

So I began to walk around the room, maybe I could find a door somewhere, but there was nothing.

"Son," I heard a gruff voice behind me.

I turned around and there stood a tall African-American man with a plain white suit with hair to match.

He didn't look familiar but I had I feeling I knew him from somewhere.

"Am I dead?" Was all I could ask.

He let out a loud, booming laugh that probably shook the whole world.

"No you're not dead and I'm not God before you ask," he wiped a tear drop from his eye before he straightened up and stepped towards me.

"I'm your Conscience," he smiled.

"My what?" I asked. Was he serious?

"Yes I am serious," he answered the unasked question.

"Wow, you really are my conscience. Okay Conscience, why did you, oh what's the word, 'summon' me here?" I smirked.

He roared out in laughter and even bent over and slapped his knee."You're a funny one Dylan. You really are. Well I 'summoned' you here because I hear you're falling inlove."

I couldn't help but fake a cough at this. "What?! Mira and I only started getting serious! I don't think I'm in 'love' with her!"

"Don't give me that bull. You know I'm not talking about Mira. Mira is just a fling with you. You're in love with Leah, or Ali as you call her."

This is were I wasn't faking it when I coughed. "Huh? What? Where? Why? When? Huh?"

He laughed. Again. Was my conscience really such an idiot?

"I'm not an idiot Dylan and yes, Ali."

I wasn't sure what I was feeling. Anger? Annoyance? Embarrassment?

"You do know what I'm talking about right? You like Ali. You might not know it yet but you definitely still have feelings for her," Conscience stated.

"But what about Mira? She's my mate, isn't she?"

"Mira? Oh hell no! You and I know perfectly well that you like Ali."

"No," I sighed.

"What do you mean 'no'?"

"No as in I'm not inlove with Ali. Frankly she irritates me and I don't have any feelings for her." I stated. Liking Ali wasn't even imaginable.

I decided then and there that I didn't have feelings for Ali and I was just going to train her. Nothing else.

Conscience shrugged and smirked, "Whatever you want Dylan. Don't say I didn't warn you." He turned around and began to walk away. His footsteps echoing through the empty room.

He stopped and side glanced at me. "Just remember Dylan, I'll always be watching."

With a snap of his fingers he disappeared and I woke up.'


Yes yes I know its short and weird. So check out the next chapter which is just as short and weird! Please vote and comment! Peace out!:)xx

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