C H A P T E R 12

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Surprise chapter! I bet none of you saw this one coming! That's what makes it brilliant! I'm really proud of myself right now! I mean I've uploaded 3 times this week! After this the story is going to skip in time a lot but I'm really excited for the next one!

This one is for lala213 for always being the first to comment! Ur awesome and thanx 4 sticking with me through it all!




(Sorry for any mistakes)


C H A P T E R 12 (Dylan's POV)

I deliberately knocked Ali over while exiting. Maybe now she would get the idea that I don't like her.

She's been latching onto me ever since I first saw her. Okay maybe that's not true but she still needed to get the idea.

To emphasize my point I fled the room and went over to Mira. At first she was just casually leaning against the wall. When she saw me she straightened up and tried to look excited.

"Dillie-pooh! I missed you! You will not believe how scared I wa--" she started but I quickly shut her up with my lips on hers.

She responded almost immediately and forced her tongue into my mouth. I let her have this one, besides I think Ali was watching.

I peaked my eye open just in case. Yep. She saw.

The irritating part was that she didn't do anything! She and Kayla just gagged and literally skipped off.

Finally I pulled away for breath and Mira had a devilish gleam in her eyes.

"Come on Dylan. Let's go to my room," she whispered seductively in my ear.

I tensed. Uh-oh. This was not good. Not good at all.

"Ummm..." I mumbled.

"Yeah?" She pulled me closer to her, so close I could smell her chicken breath. Chicken breath? Did Mira have chicken?

"I need to speak with my dad first?" And with that I let go of her waist and walked over to the other guys.

They all had Dad against the wall so no one noticed when I showed up. Except for Zac who glared at me and walked away. I'm guessing he's still not cool with the whole 'Ali' thing.

"Now listen here Alfa, you're going to tell me why you did what you did." Paul, the third in command after Zac's dad, spoke in harsh words towards Dad.

Dad however didn't look the least bit threatened. "I don't see how I did anything wrong."

That's it. "What do mean 'not do anything wrong'? You punched you're friggin son in the face!" I screamed.

"Well look who's awake. Sleeping beauty," he smirked. God I hated this man. What happened to the loving father who held me in his arms and told me everything was going to be alright?

"William!" Paul shouted at my father. For a moment he looked fazed. No one calls him by his first name.

Paul sighed. "I don't think you deserve to be Alpha anymore."

"WHAT?!? Are you freakin' kidding me?" Dad yelled. His expression was the definition of angry.

Everyone stared at Paul. Was he seriously dismissing my father as Alpha? Not that I'm saying its a bad idea.

The whole pack was surrounding us, each with a shocked expression.

"I'm sorry it came to this William but you've had you're chance." Paul rubbed the back of his neck. I knew this was hard for him, I mean he and my dad have been best buds forever.

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