2.10 - Homecoming part 3

Start from the beginning

Ignoring his sister, Vortex handed Otome a folder that contained the files of the new recruits. "Your next assignment should be an easy one. You and your new squad, are to return to Inkopolis, and act as the first cultural exchange between our races." Vortex glanced over at the squid sisters. "Since your already familiar with them, Octarias figures you shouldn't have trouble... fitting in. Just be sure to keep your squad out of trouble."

Otome opened the folder that Octarias had given her. The first page was a written version of the orders Vortex had just given her, and they were signed by the emperor himself. The next page was a dossier on the new replacements.

'Personnel file for new soldiers assigned to unit 43. Medical Examiner: Dr. Krako Strauss - Octarian science division. Physical Evaluator: Sargent Maki Lavender – Guardian Corps unit 11. Weapons Evaluator: Sargent Renko Voss – Octostriker squadron 21. Commanding Officer: Major Octarias – Guardian Corps Commando unit. Note: Due to the sudden death of Commander Ophelia, unit 43 is now attached to the commando unit, until further notice. The last part looked like it had been written in a hurry.

Vortex glanced at the first recruit, and she walked up. "Private Briki Rainbow reporting for duty, ma'am! They said I could return to Inkopolis if I helped out, so let's get along."

"Oh! I remember you!" Callie suddenly said. "You're that Octoling we helped."

"I'm glad you recognize me," Briki said, and turned to Otome. "They helped me and my sister, escape from both the Mariners and the Inkling army." Otome glanced down at Briki's file.

'Commanders notes: private Rainbow has been illegally living in Inkopolis for the past few days, along with her sister. Her knowledge of the city and culture may come in handy. Use her as a guide. She is a former Mariner, but has sworn loyalty to the emperor.'

'Medical results: Her mental state is sound, and her physical condition is adequate, despite her small stature. Some DNA anomalies were detected in her system, but I see no reason to issue a medical discharge. However, her attitude is not becoming of a soldier in our great army.'

'Physical evaluation: Obstacle course was completed at par time. CQC combat was underwhelming. Additional training recommended. How she passed the Mariner tests is beyond me.'

'Weapons evaluation: Octoshot: passable. Octobrush: laughable. Bombs: passable. Captured Inkling weapons: Impressive. Heavy weapons: passable. Piloting: poor. Private Rainbow showed particular efficiency with Inkling chargers. Recommend using her as a sniper.'

Otome looked up, and sighed as the next recruit stepped forwards. "Private Yako Maroon reporting for duty, Ma'am! Wow, I'm so happy I get to work with you, sis!" Otome sighed again, and looked down at her file.

'Commanders note: I don't have to describe your own sister to you. You two just have fun, and stay out of trouble.'

'Medical results: Her mental state is rather childish, but stable enough to warrant required service. Physical condition is average, but highly energetic. This one will require a calm and sound mind to guide her, or she may get her self splatted rather quickly.'

'Physical evaluation: She barely managed to get par time on the obstacle course. CQC was dreadful, as all she did was run from her opponent. Her one saving grace is her reflexes, which are top notch. More training would be futile at this point.'

'Weapons evaluation: Octoshot: Passable. Octobrush: below average. Bombs: surprisingly impressive. Captured Inkling weapons: worthless. Heavy weapons: embarrassing. Piloting: Abysmal. Private Maroon managed to hit a fellow Octostriker that was standing behind her, with an inkzooka. The effect was harmless, but it understandably enraged him. She also managed to total an assault platform. Recommend assigning an Octoshot and a very large number of bombs.'

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