Songs Cliffs and Cam

Beginne am Anfang

The start of the lyrics start and I try to sing along with it, it isn't a complete fail...

But when the chorus came I couldn't do it... Not because I could hit the notes or I was defeated (more or less because I was out of breath) but I just stopped. Becoming mesmerised while I stared out at the sea, the sun was quickly falling behind the horizon, the pinks and oranges were becoming darker in shades.

The music is filling my ears, I sway slightly to the music.

I would be crying right now if I did have any tears left. I can't do anything. I feel hopeless. I just drop down to my knees and put my head in my hands. I sigh.

Pull yourself together Ariana! I try and tell myself.

The song changes, a classic song called, This Love by Maroon 5.

I smile into my hand.

This song should be easier to sing, so I pull my head out of my hands then sing along to it, softly at the start but when I gained confidence I sang louder.

Surprisingly, I sounded alright... When the song ended I just stopped and stared out onto the sea, the sky becoming dark. The sun fading and the colours it created in the sky dimmed.

I feel lighter. Not happy. But as if a bit of tension has been lifted off my chest. I realise I was right, singing did help me.... Who could have guessed?


After that I stood up and tried a few other songs, some were successful, others not so much. Each time I felt lighter and lighter. I wasn't happy. But I saw things from another perspective.

Yes, Michael died but there was a reason for it.

I just have to work out what it was...

Suddenly I hear a crunch of leaves under someone's foot as they walk along the path. I'm in the middle of a song and I'm not sure if I should continue singing or not...

So I just continue regardless of the bystander, closing my eyes to pretend as if I didn't hear the person coming. The whole town already things I'm crazy, hearing me sing in the middle of the bush shouldn't make that opinion quaver.

When the footsteps becomes like soft thudding I realise that they had entered the Stage. My heart begins to race now.

Too scared to open my eyes and see who it is, I just keep on singing.

I cringe my eyes shutter as the person gets closer and closer.

I'm so tempted to shrink further away from the oncoming person. And just as I'm about to open my eyes and see who it is, the person speaks. I let out at little jump and squeal in surprise as there voice startles me.

"I didn't know you could sing Ari," says a mocking voice.

"Shut up Cam," I say, a smirk on my lips.

He jabs me on both sides of my abdomen from behind. I instinctively squeal again and try to get away from him. The jolt of pain was as terrifying as tickle torture.

My eyes are still glued shut, but regardless, I run forward, blindly.

And despite my being here often, I seem to forget I'm on the edge of a cliff. One of my feet slip over the edge and I scream for my dear life. My eyes shoot open and I'm hanging on the edge of the cliff one leg over, the other just barely on the rock.

But someone is holding steadily onto my hand, I just staring at the sea below, a five or more metre drop to I would hit the sea in a harsh blow.

I nearly hyperventilate at the reality of how close I was to falling and probably hitting the rocks below...

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