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Meghan's POV:

I wake up breathing heavily and wide-eyed. I look around the room worriedly, and I sigh as I see that I'm safe. I relax a bit, and I sigh deeply.

"Bad dream?" says a voice that I know better than I should. My eyes dart to the bed next to me, and I let a huge smile fall onto my face. He smiles back at me, and I nod my head. I lay my head back against my pillow, and I sigh I relief that he's alright. He's just fine.

"How long have you been laying there?" I ask quietly. He ponders it for a moment.

"Probably about an hour or so," he says back. "The nurse came in and told me everything that I needed to know, and she told me I'd leave on Wednesday."

"They told me Wednesday, too," I sigh. "They also said I'd be on crutches for a few months."

He chuckles. "That just means I get to help you around everywhere," he chuckles, again. I smile to myself, and I shake my head. I suddenly feel Demi's head shift, and I glance down at her.

"Tell him," she whispers. I shake my head lightly, and she frowns. "Why not?" she whispers, again.

"Not in the hospital. I'll do it soon, though," I whisper back. She nods in an understanding way, and I lay my head back on the pillow.

"Meg, is Demi awake?" Charlie asks.

"Yeah," I confess.

"Demi, will you go get the nurse please? You know what, I total forgot about this all button," he sighs in frustration. I giggle, and Demi smiles.

"I'm pretty comfortable if I'm honest," Demi speaks up. I smile, and I glance at Ariana. She's still sleeping peacefully, and that's when I realize that it's three in the morning. I snuggle back in with Demi, and we both fall back asleep before long.


"Meghan, we've actually decided that you can go home today. We can pack your things and you can go home," the nurse says. I smile.

"Thank you," I say happily. They unhook me from all the stupid machines, and I get out of the comfy bed. I take the clothes that Demi brought for me into the bathroom, and I change into them without touching my leg. When I come out in shorts and a t-shirt, Demi and Ariana cringe and almost throw up.

"Yeah, yeah. Can I get my cast on, please?" I ask the nurse as I hop over to the bed. They come in and wrap me in a cast, give me crutches, and they hand me all my stuff. Charlie just silently watches us this whole time, not saying anything and not saying how he'll be lonely without anyone here.

"Charlie, I will be back in an hour," I say as begin to walk out of the room with Demi and Ariana by my side. He nods his head and smiles a bit. I turn to Demi.

"Will you stay here until I get back?" I ask quietly. She sighs, but she nods and sits in the chair next to his bed. I smile, and I follow Ariana out of the room. We drive to my house while listening to the radio very loudly, singing every word to every song that comes on. When we arrive, she takes my stuff into my room and sets it on my bed, and we walk right back out the door to get back to Charlie and Demi. We wanted to listen to music, too.

When we return to the hospital, I struggle to walk with my crutches into the hospital. We finally manage to get back to Charlie's room, and Demi sighs when she sees me.

"I'm done being in this room because I've been in here for most of the past forty eight hours, and I'm going home," she says as she leaves. "Get well soon!"

When she leaves, I snicker and smile down at Charlie, showing my teeth in the process. Ariana sighs, and she starts backing slowly out of the room.

"I'm just gonna go," she says, dragging out her last word. I raise my eyebrows, and when she knows Charlie can't see her, she mouths 'Go get 'em tiger!' I giggle at her, and she gives me one last wink. When she leaves, she shuts the door on her way out. I turn to Charlie, and I trudge over to the cushiony seat next to his bed. I plop down, and I gaze into his eyes as he sighs and looks at me.

"Thank you," I whisper quietly as I cross my broken leg over my other. He smiles.

"For what?" He asks simply.

"Everything. You helped me around, you made sure I didn't get with the wrong people, and you saved me," I say. I smile down at him, and he smiles back up at me. He nods his head lightly, and I let a deep sigh escape me. I let the chair recline, and I lay silently in the chair, staring at ceiling. The nurse comes in, and I look up.

"Hello there, Charlie. I didn't expect you to be here," she says gesturing to me. "Most people want to get out of here as fast as they can."

I nod my head. "I'm staying until he leaves," I sigh. I glance to his face to see his eyes wide and him shaking his head.

"Don't stay here over night. You need to get some rest," he says. I nod my head.

"I will get some rest. I'll just be here with you while I get it," I smile. He shakes his head.

"You're so stubborn," he chuckles.

"It's not like you're any different," I say back. He nods his head, and I smile. I look back at the nurse to see her smiling.

"Charlie, unless anything goes wrong abruptly, and you are in critical condition, you can leave tomorrow," the nurse says. "I'll be back to check on you later."

The nurse leaves the room, and I turn to him and smile. He smiles and chuckles through his pearly white teeth, and he motions for me to come over to him. I get up out of the chair, and I hop over to him. I sit down on the edge of the bed, and I lay down with him. I turn on my side, making sure to move my leg carefully, and I wrap one of my arms around him. I snuggle into his side, and he wraps his arm around me, securing me in place.

"Thank for staying with me," he mumbles.

"I wasn't taking no for an answer," I giggle. I hear him snicker, and I smile. I close my eyes, trying to let this moment sink in. My plan fails, though, and I fall asleep in his arms and laid upon the hospital bed with him.

AN: I have finished this book, so I'll be updating daily, now.

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