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Meghan's POV:

I walk into the relocated school as some kids are already walking to their classes because they're early. They relocated the whole school until the original one is repaired from the fire. I get stopped at least twice by two of my kids because they were curious as to why I was on crutches with a cast. When I finally reach my room, I plop down in my chair, and I groan. After about five minutes, about five or six of the children come in. I see Ariana peek her head in the door, and she walks over to me with a goofy smile plastered on her face.

"Why are you so happy?" I ask with a small giggle. She puts the paper that she's holding in front of her mouth and whispers into my ear as I sit in my chair.

"Charlie's in love with you, and I have proof," she squeals. All the kids look up, and I glare at her.

"How do you have proof?" I ask quietly and quickly.

"He told me!" She squeals, again. I roll my eyes.

"Come on," I say as I grab my crutches and stand up. I walk out into the deserted hall, and she begins to ramble.

"So, when I took Charlie home last night, I ended up making dinner and eating with him, but that's a long story. I don't know how that ended up happening, and he told me, and I quote, 'I'm pretty sure it's impossible to fall in love with someone that you just met three weeks ago, but I think it just happened to me.' I almost spit out my food!" She exclaims. I giggle.

"Did he seriously say that about me?" I ask. She nods her head. I stand there in complete shock for a moment, but I begin to speak again. "I don't know what to do," I say as I let my face drop into my hands. She grabs my face firmly with two hands, and she looks at me like I'm crazy.

"You make the first move! That's what you do!" She says. I roll my eyes and smile, but I shake my head.

"I don't want to go this fast, though!" I say.

"Then just ask him out on a date," she shrugs. I smile, and I shake my head.

"I feel like you and Demi are prancing me just to get me to make a move!" I say honestly. She giggles at my pathetic thought.

"I'm not kidding. This actually happened," she giggles some more.

"What do I do if I see him today?" I ask.

"You ask him out!" She says. I roll my eyes.

"Okay. Stop with Charlie and I for a minute. How is your chemo therapy?" I ask her as I try to change the subject.

"The doctor said it's working slowly but surely," she says. I sigh in relief. "He said at this rate if it keeps working then it'll be gone by April next year which isn't too bad."

"That's good. We can talk more later, though. I've got to go teach a class," I say as I begin to hobble back into my room. She nods her head and wave goodbye, walking into the room next to mine.

I begin to teach my class, and I tell them how I ended up being on crutches. I told them about the fire and the burnt leg and everything. They all end up asking a ton of questions, and we don't really learn anything. When lunch comes, I realize it's Charlie and I's day to do lunch and free time duty. I groan as I walk down the unfamiliar halls to the cafeteria. I end up getting lost and walking into a random room to ask for help. When some guy that I've never met before tells me where to go, I thank him and go to the cafeteria. I walk in to see Charlie already pacing around the room. I start walking towards him, and he smiles when he sees me. I smile back, and I put my head down to hide the blush as I stop in front of him.

"Hi there," I smile as I slouch against the crutches. He gives me a sexy lopsided smile, and I basically melt.

"How your back?" He asked genuinely concerned.

"It's better. The pain pills help a lot. That's really the only reason I'm standing here," I chuckle dryly.

"Yeah. My leg hasn't been much help either. I just don't don't need crutches," he says. I nod my head in understanding, and he sighs.

Charlie's POV:

"I'm sorry about all this crap that's happened to you this week. I feel like I'm partial to blame," I admit.

"No! Not at all! Don't be sorry. You're the one that prevented me from being in much more pain than this," she exclaims.

"I can't help it," I sigh. She looks up at me with guilt lacing in her expression.

"Please don't be," she says as she shakes her head. I sigh.

"It's hard. I was the only other one besides you involved. I just feel like I have some responsibility for what happened," I say.

"Well, did you start the fire?"

"No," I reply dryly.

"Did you do everything you could?"

"I tried," I shrug.

"You did, and you need to stop beating yourself up about it," she says as she looks up at me. I sigh and look away.

"Okay," I say. She turns to the door, and I follow her gaze to find Taylor and Hailee walking towards us. I turn around and roll my eyes, and she giggles at me. They approach us, and it doesn't begin very well.

"Well, where have you been for the past three days?" Hailee spits at Meghan. Meghan creases her eyebrows.

"I've been in the hospital," she says, gesturing to her crutches and her leg.

"Where have you been, Charlie?" Taylor asks me.

"The hospital," I say as I gesture to my bandaged leg. She glares at me, and Hailee starts interrogating Meghan.

"What happened?" She asks, sounding very innocent even though she definitely isn't.

"I was in the fire. My leg was burnt," Meghan says cautiously. I wonder what they're up to.

"Charlie, did the same thing happen to you?" Asks Taylor. I glare at both of them, and they only ignore me.

"Yes," I grumble, sending them a death glare, warning them not to continue. They scoff and roll their eyes, walking past us. Hailee's shoulder brushes Meghan's harshly, and Meghan almost falls over. She regains her balance quickly, though. I look at her worriedly, and she brushes me off.

"I need coffee," she sighs. I nod, and she trudges off to the coffee room across the hall from the cafeteria. I stand there for a few seconds, watching Hailee and Taylor glance at me quite a few times. I eventually get sick of it, and I go to the coffee room with Meghan. I step in and see her turned towards the coffee maker. Her crutches are resting against the counter as she makes the coffee and waits for it. I shut the door behind me, and she turns her head to see me. She smiles, and she turns back to the coffee. I come to her back, staring down at her wavy, red hair. When she turns to me with a styrofoam cup full of coffee and two small blue packages to put in it, her eyes go wide, and her lips part slightly. I grip her waist forcefully, and she gasps as I press her body against mine.

"I'm done waiting," I say.

AN: Happy Thanksgiving!!

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