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Meghan's POV:

"Is this your first time teaching?" Ariana asks.

"Yes. I've always wanted to. I was a lawyer at first but I became a teacher afterwards," I say. She gives me a nod of approval, and I laugh.

"Do you dance or sing?" she asks as she lets a small giggle leave her mouth. My eyes widen, and I smile.

"I love to," I say as I turn music from my phone on. We start dancing and singing to Ke$ha, and I end up laughing really hard because of our dances moves. We don't dance very well, but you can beat your ass that we can pop our hips. Half way through the song of us dancing and singing, I hear the door open. I turn to see who it is while laughing, but Ariana keeps dancing and singing. A girl with short, black hair smiles at us and giggles. I assume that this is Demi, and she rushes over to dance with us. We all continue to dance and sing, and I discover that we all have amazing talents for singing. Demi was better at dancing then Ariana was, and Demi and I were the professionals (hint the sarcasm), but we still had fun anyways. When the song ends, I sit in one of the small chairs at a students desk and laugh my ass off. They do the same as me, and as soon as we all calm down, we begin talking.

"I'm Meghan," I say to Demi.

"I'm Demi. It's nice to meet you," she giggles. I giggle back, and Ariana giggles along with us.

"I'm new here. Charlie introduced me to Ariana," I say.

"Charlie did? It's usually Ariana or I having to show someone around because Charlie's so busy all the time. If Charlie showed you around, you're special," Demi over exaggerates.

I giggle. "It seemed like he liked me," I say. Their eyebrows raise, and their eyes widen.

"Well, it's the first day, and she's already got Charlie hot on her tail," Ariana giggles as she crosses her legs. I roll my eyes.

"Sure, he's hot, but I don't think he likes me that way. I did catch him staring at me on lunch duty, though," I say.

"Oh, it was obvious, sweetheart. He adores you. I could tell just by the way he looked and talked about you at the door earlier," Ariana says. I blush deeply, and I cover my face.

"Don't be embarrassed. Every single guy in this school has gone after Ariana, and the majority of them have gone after me. They all suck, except for Charlie. He's the good one, and he was never interested in me, but he was interested in Ariana for a short period of time. He's never been together with anyone here," Demi says. I raise my eyebrows at both of them.

"Is this like an elementary school or something?" I ask them. They nod, and I roll my eyes.

"Well, Charlie adores you already. I can't wait to see what the other guys think," Demi says.

"Well, with a body like that who wouldn't want her. I mean, damn you've got an ass and some hips," Ariana says. I laugh at her, and Demi chuckles.

"She's right. I don't know who wouldn't go after you," Demi speaks up. I groan and roll my eyes.

"Nobody is getting me for my looks. They either love me for me, or they ain't gettin' none of all this," I say gesturing to myself. They both giggle, and I smile.

"This is fun. I like her," Demi says.

"Me, too. You're official in our group, and nobody else is allowed to take you," Ariana says, claiming me like I'm her property.

"So now I'm a toy that everyone argues over?" I giggle.

"No. We just don't want you to get wrapped up in all their shit," Demi says. I smile at them.

"Alright. Do I join you everyday after school?" I giggle once more.

"Yep. We sit here and talk about people all day," Ariana says as she laughs. We all nod, and I feel like I've already been welcomed to the school.


"Hey, Charlie," I smile as I walk into the cafeteria.

"Hi," he simply says with a smile. I stand next to him, and I watch as all the kids eat their food–packed lunch or not.

"How's it going? Are your students good?"

"Yes. They're actually very well behaved. I think they like me, too," I smile at the thought of all my kids.

"Who couldn't like you?" He chuckles. I feel the heat rising to my cheeks, and I put my head down slightly. He chuckles and rubs my shoulder.

"I'll be right back," he says. He walks away from me, and I look up. I see a group of girls from my class looking up at my red face as they all snicker at me. I wave them off, and I cross my arms over my chest as I try to hide my red face. Charlie comes back, and they keep snickering which causes me to give them the evil eye. They smile and shut their mouths, and I nod slightly in approval.

"Can I show you something?" he asks. I nod my head as my brain fills with curiosity, and I begin to follow him as he walks out of the cafeteria. He walks into the coffee room, and he shuts the door behind me. He walks over to the coffee maker, and he puts a few things in it.

"If you put more of this blue stuff in it, it makes you more awake and gives you more energy," he chuckles. He hands me a drink, and I take a sip.

"Thank you. I'll probably need this some days, or I may need it everyday," I giggle. He chuckles at me, and he begins to walk back out of the door.

"I just wanted to show you that because you seemed kind of out of it today, so I thought that might've helped," he says with a smile. I smile back at him.

"Thank you," I say as I take another sip. He chuckles and shakes his head. He leaves the room, and I smile to myself. I actually think he is a pretty good guy.

I walk out of the coffee room, and I start to enter the cafeteria right across the hall. When I see Ariana practically running down the hall in heels, I stop and give her a strange look. When she reaches me, she grabs my shoulder, and I giggle.

"What's wrong?" I ask.

"The snakes are in there," she breaths heavily. I giggle, again, and her breathing starts to steady.

"Who are the snakes?" I whisper as I giggle, again. She smiles.

"Gomez, Swift, and Steinfeld. I wouldn't want to run into them. One of them is bad enough, and I suggest you try not to run into all of them," she says. I roll my eyes.

"How bad could they be?" I ask. She shakes her head.

"Let me just come in here and show you," she says. We walk into the cafeteria, and we see Charlie on one side with three other women on the other. The three women did look like snakes if I'm honest. Their faces were plastered in every different kind of makeup, and they were wearing tight-skinned dresses. Well, I was wearing a skin-tight dress, but I rarely wear them. It appeared like they wore them everyday. They each had a coffee in their hands, and they appeared to be walking around just casually gossiping about everyone. I cringe, and Ariana nods her head. They looked like sluts.

"Told you," she mumbles.

AN: every single fucking time Meg is on an award show I wake up, surprised to see that she was on ANYTHING AT ALL and then I have to fill myself in because no one apparently wants to help me. Every single time. SHE SO GORGEOUS THOUGH.

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