chapter 14 ghost vampire

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( pov Jasper) I just need some body help I am all lone on this I don't know how deal with this please anybody help me Jasper father had getting worst he was not waking up he was just there living by a Little ( pov cat ghost ) He be fine he make your dad a strong but old vampire but he make it as Jasper felt some touch him shoulder he turned think it Kora touching him but when he did turn around there was no one there . ( pov Kora) This all my fault it my fault that Jasper Dad like this it my fault Jasper almost died maybe should just let me maybe me not been here will be better for both of them ( pov cat ghost ) you know that not true then need you Jasper need you now don't give as Kora heard clearly and turned around to see car standing right in front of her .  ( pov Kora) Cat it you what you doing here but how your died ( pov cat ghoust) yes and I still I am and I am fhoust now ( pov Kora) but how I thought vampire don't have souls ( pov Cat) true but I guess I am special vampire and I get be a fhoust after I died or feel like I was send here to help you and Jasper. ( pov Kora) Can you tell what to do Jasper father is very sick and it all my fault he saved me and Jasper from lazaro and I don't know what to do I don't Jasper to lose his father because of me please tell me what to do ( pov Cat) it in you Kora it your blood that bring him back to life . ( pov Cat) give him your blood and he be fine that all as cat was about to go ( pov Kora) wait but what about lazaro how do we stop him for good ( pov cat ) you already have the answer to that you just get to dig deep think about I have to go now ( pov Kora) wait what do you mean by digging deep I don't get come back .

( pov Jasper) Kora you okay who you talking to ( pov kora) I know how to get your dad back ( pov Jasper) wait what you mean how ( pov Kora) it in my blood he has to feed on my blood he be back it what Cat said ( pov Jasper) wait what Cat said but how she died Kora ( pov kora) yes but she told me this she ghoust she going help us now let go save your father first as Kora cut her hand and put next to Lucian mouth and just like that his eyes opend . ( pov Jasper) Father you okay as Lucian get up slowly ( pov Lucian) what happened  ( pov Jasper) it lazaro he hurt and we thought we lost but your here with us ( pov Lucian) But how ( pov Kora) I feed you my blood Cat told it work (pov Lucian ) but Cat died ( pov Kora) yeah but she a ghost don't ask me how but she is . ( pov Jasper) Wait you saw Cat and she told you to do this and she ghoust ( pov Kora) yeah she told that my blood would bring your dad back have you not see her (pov Jasper ) no but I felt like someone been watch me I guess it was Cat the whole time . ( pov Lucian ) we must deal with your brother as he tried to get up ( pov Jasper) No father your way to weak right you need feed and rest me and Kora will take care of my brother what you should do is stay on this bed and rest you get hit pretty good ( pov Kora) thank u again sir for save us . ( pov Lucian) Call me Lucian And anyone that cares for my son like you is family to me and plus I feel I own to your morther to watch over you know she be so proud of you right now ( pov Kora) I don't think she would be I mean all I have done so far it all bad .

( A couple of days before ) (pov lazaro) Listen you do this for me I promise you that Jasper will be all yours all get to do is pretend to be died and do other work for and then you have Jasper I promise ( pov Cat) okay good that stupid half vampire Kora wont know what is coming to her ( pov lazaro) that my girl now let go do this ( pov Jasper) How you doing Kora ( pov kora) I don't know I mean it almost my fault that your father died how would you be . ( pov Kora) I am sorry Jasper you have nothing but give me love and taking care and how do I pay by been a bitch ( pov Jasper) it okay I understand but you also get to understand that this is not your fault at all you did not pick all of this that was something that happend in your life . ( pov Jasper) And will you can deal with in a bad way or used to save the world me and you let save the world and get my brother out of the way of make this world way worst then it already is ( Day after Cat death) ( pov lazaro) sorry I take so long lovely one but I mean had to make seem really but let help you out of there . ( pov Cat) Did I do good lazaro  ( pov lazaro) you did great ( pov Cat) now you promised me something when will I have Jasper  ( pov lazaro) Soon my love but I few more things I need you to do for me first ( pov Kora) no I want to save the work for your father for my Mom and for us and all the good vampires and human in this world . ( pov Jasper) Then let do it togther ( pov Cat) what is it you need do for you let me know and I do it as long as I get Jasper at the end ( pov lazaro) and that you will my lovely ( pov J) hey what she doing I thought she was on the good side ( pov lazaro) No my dear she on your side .

( pov J) Will I don't like this she going take you way from me ( pov Cat) oh trust me that not what I am here for I am only do this for Jasper And to get that pretty not so good half vampire out of my way for good ( pov J) oh is that so how do I know I can trust you and this not all acted . ( pov J) To get me out the way then you take lazaro way from me ( pov Cat) beacause it not and I already told you who I really want now back to what you where saying what is it you want me to do ( pov lazaro) this the plan lovely one your going act if your a ghoust and let Kora that the only way to get my father back is by her feed him her blood . ( pov Cat) But why not just let him die and he be gone ( pov lazaro) That because I get a better plan I am going get Jasper myself my own brother end the life of my father him self ( pov J) that a great plan my king then we can soon end them so now go and do what I told you to do ( pov cat) I will sir you see it all work out .

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