chapter 5 brothers

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(Pov lazaro) Join me brother and be bad with we can take over and kill all them and do what we want come with me brother ( pov Dad vampire) Don't do it Jasper you know it not right ( pov Jasper) no I won't ( pov lazaro) then you just have to die then ( pov Jasper) NO! ( pov kora) Jasper you okay it just a dream you okay what you dream about ( pov Jasper) nothing I am fine plus vampires don't dream . ( pov kora) Will you just had one what about ( pov Jasper) it not import we should go do some trading as he get out of his coff ( pov Kora) fine with me but are you sure you are up for it ( pov Jasper) I told I am fine he said angry now ( pov kora) I just making sure sorry . (Pov Jasper ) No I am sorry it just let just get to work okay your next lesson is how to be faster on your killing this how let say this dumb here a vampire Don't think about it at all just go for as soon as you see it like this as he race to the doll and knocked over . And turned around to look at Kora with now firing blue eyes now you try as he picked the doll and put it back in place ( pov kora) okay as Kora want for the doll and knocked it cross the room how that as she looked Jasper with her still glowing red eyes . ( pov Jasper) Yes that good but let trying little fast watched me again as he send the doll thought the wall like that you try ( pov kora) okay as she want and did not even looked at it for one second the doll of throw thought the already broking walk and thought the another wall .

( pov Jasper) Wow yes that what I am talking about as he high fived her your getting better at this ( pov kora) so still not going tell me what you dreaming about I mean we like friends now I hope and it seem like pretty bad dream (pov Jasper) it was nothing just bad dream that all ( pov kora) sure that what then all day then end up been something else . ( pov kora) listen maybe I can help but you get tell what you where dream about ( pov Jasper) it listen you want know nothing about my pass I was not was this person I done bad things that will you would not belive I even super my dad take back in here I mean he was pretty up set about my path of life before . ( pov Jasper) Anyways that all you need to know okay let keep in working because I have much more to show you ( pov lazaro) oh brother what dad of a vampire you are trying to be good when you where bored to be evil now where H i thought I told to get her . ( pov vampire) Sir your brother and the girl killed then all and then still have J then getting stronger more the girl ( pov lazaro) get out my sit before I kill you myself you think I am scared that big brother of mine and that half vampire girl she not even a full really vampire . ( pov lazaro) These two have another thing coming to them I guess I have to pay little dad dears and my brother a bust my self and take care this myself as he fly way into the night ( pov Jasper) your speed way better now and your fighting your not thinking at all you just go for it that how it has to be if you keep doing that I think we be ready to end all this .

( pov vampire) My king have these for you to look over just then there was a big bang noise in the wall ( pov King) what was that ( pov lazaro) oh hello father it nice to see you again to how you been as then there vampire ran way it seem your vampires are still scared of me . ( pov lazaro) That good to know ( pov King ) what are you doing here your not allowed in here you know that ( pov lazaro) oh come dad be Nice I come to see how you and my brother been doing where is that white hair vampire anyways ( pov King ) I am not tell you anything and I want you out now . ( pov lazaro) Or what you going hurt me your son you hurt I have to say that hurt me nothing at all you can't hurt your way to weak as he twice his arm and he cried out in pain now I ask again where my brother and that girl vampire I know she here to still twicing his arm . ( pov Jasper) Let go of him as lazaro turned around still hold on to his dad arm ( pov lazaro) oh brother there you and oh you get Kora just frezer see him again all that he did to her played in her head and she just wanted to kill him but Jasper hold her back . ( pov Jasper) No not now what you doing what you want brother Kora so mad she just hear Jasper call lazaro brother just now ( pov kora) wait what he your brother ( pov lazaro) yes I am oh wait you did not know you did not tell her who brother so not like you as let go of dad hand get closer to them .

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