"So, what do you plan on wearing to the parking lot, tonight?" Rebecca asked.

"Some pants and a shirt." I shrugged. "No biggie."

"No offense, but you should dress up for tonight." Rosa said. "You might meet a cute boy."

"Plus, I heard Andreson was coming tonight." Rebecca squealed.

"How come you guys both like him?" I asked.

"He's just such a cutie." Rosa shrugged.

"What about this?" Rebecca asked.

She was holding this black and blue dress, that was knee length. She also held a black Varsity jacket, and blue all stars.

"Yeah, that would look good on you."

"This is for you, silly!" Rebecca laughed.

"What? You want me to wear that?"

"It won't kill you." Rosa said in Spanish.

I gave them an uneasy look, and took the outfit, going inside of the bathroom and changed.

Once I was done, I went into the room and they smiled.

"Yes!" They exclaimed in unison.

I laughed.

The rest of the afternoon, and most of the evening, we spent talking and getting ready for tonight.

It was about seven o'clock when we were done, and we left Rosa's house.

"So, are you ready?" Rebecca asked. "You look cool."

"Thanks." I said. "I guess I'm ready for the party."

"Come on, Isa." Rosa grinned. "I know you party a lot at home."

"That's true." I smiled.

It took us about fifteen minutes to walk to the parking lot. The lot was filled.

"Do you see Andreson anywhere?" Rebecca asked.

"Nope." Rosa sighed.

We walked around until we found Mary, Tony, Emma, Justin, and Ace.

"What's up, Isa?" All of them asked in sync.

"Nothing." I smiled.

"I never thought I would see you here." Ace winked.

Okay, Ace was a cute senior boy who played football. He was African American with curly hair.

He always has a crush on me, ever since I first came to Walton high.

"Well, I decided to come." I shrugged.

"We're glad." Justin smiled.

Emma rolled her eyes at me and scoffed. Emma still didn't like me because I talk to Andreson, but oh well.

"So.... You want to walk around?" Ace asked. "With me?"


I followed behind him as well began walking around the lot.

"So, what do you usually do on Friday nights?"

"My neighbors throw parties and we party all night." I said. "It's really fun."

"Oh, really?" He smiled. "That's cool. So, did anyone ask you to the prom yet?"

"No?" I laughed as I gave him a weird look. "Isn't it kind of early for that? Plus, I'm not going."

Just then, I seen Andreson talking to some of the jocks. He laughed after saying something, then looked over.

I guess he saw me, because he winked.

"I mean-"

"What's up, Ace?" Andreson cut him off as he gave him some dap.

"Oh, hey?"

"I saw you over here, so I decided to show some love." He smiled. "Especially for my girl, Isa."

"Your girl?"

"Yeah, my girl." He said. "Well, we better get going."

Andreson grabbed my hand and walked away, leaving Ace to look like an idiot.

"Why'd you do that?" I laughed.

"You looked so bored with him." He smiled. "So, I thought I would swoop in an save the day."


"What are you doing here?" He asked. "I thought you would be at home."

"Rebecca and Rosa invited me." I shrugged. "Speaking of them.. They wanted me to give you this."

I gave him their numbers. He unfolded the paper and looked at it.

"I don't want this." He balled the paper up an threw it in the grass.

"Why not?"

"I'm not interested in them." He said.


"How come you haven't gave me your number yet?" He asked.

"What the point of that?" I chuckled. "I see you every day."

"We never talk late at night." He said. "But.... We could?"

"Fine." I lightly punched his arm.

He pulled out a marker and smiled.

"Oh, you came prepared." I chuckled.

I took the marker and wrote the number on his arm. He smiled and threw the marker out in the woods.

"Why'd you throw your marker out?" I asked.

"I didn't need nobody number but yours." He grinned.

"You're retarded, Andreson." I shook my head and smiled.

"Where's your friend at?"

"Jada? She's mad at me right now." I sighed. "She'll be okay, though."

We continued walking around the lot and talked. We basically stayed there the whole night.

He ended up walking me home that night.

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