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The next morning I got out of bed and took a good shower. Afterwards, I got dressed and went into the kitchen and Lisa was of course making breakfast.

"Good morning, Andree." She smiled. "Did you enjoy yourself last night?"

"Not really." I sighed. 

The date with Money was totally Bunk. She was my friend and all, but she was way too extra for me to handle on a consistent basis. It would be better off for us to be just friends, because last night was the longest night of my night. Never have I had so many arguments and laughs with someone so many times within one night.

"Actually, it kind of sucked." I added. "It was so too dramatic for me. I don't think I wanna go on another date for a while."

"Well, that sucks." She chuckled. "She just wasn't the right one for you."

"I knew that already." I said. "Hopefully, she feels the same way."

"You know, Isa was waiting all evening for you." She said. "But, she left after dinner to go to work. She seemed kind of down and I had a feeling it was about your date."

"I doubt she cares." I said. "Isa made it clear that she's not into me."

"We all say things we don't mean." She smiled. "You can't tell me that you don't think she's into you."

"Around me, she's never acted like she has been." I shrugged. "I think I would have caught the hint by now."

"Alright, Andree." She said before handing me my plate of food. "I think you better hurry up and eat before you're late to class."

I quickly ate breakfast and then I went straight to class. Unfortunately, I had made it there before Isa. Hopefully she wouldn't take long to get here, because I wanted to talk to her. I wanted her to know all about my date and how pointless it was. 

"Do you know where your partner is this morning?" Mrs. Jenkins inquired. 

"Nope." I shook my head.

I looked at the wall clock and it was only ten in the morning. We still had two hours left of class and I was hoping that I wouldn't be alone. As I waited and waited for Isa to show up, she never did and grew a bit worried.

I finally accepted the fact that she wasn't coming to class, and I was a bit upset. I guess this is how she must have felt yesterday when I didn't show up to class, and I didn't even give her the time of day at my house, either. I then felt kind of bad, because I knew that I had messed up and it was possible that she was mad at me.

After class was over I went straight to the my dad's personal florist and got a bouquet of white roses. Then, I went hope and didn't hesistate to jump in the shower. Once I dried off and got dressed into some casual clothes, I cleaned up my room and made sure everything was in place.

When I heard the doorbell ring, I raced down the stairs and opened the front door. Isa stood there in front of me with sweat pants on and a cropped shirt, along with her curly hair brushed back into a ponytail.

"Hello, beautiful." I smiled. "I've been waiting all day to see you."

"Why is that?" She asked before walking inside. I closed the door and began leading her up the stairs. 

"I have something to show you."

I brought her into my room and sat her down on the bed. I then handed her the bouquet of flowers from off of my dresser. Her eyes widened before she examined them. I knew that she was probably surprised, but that was the best part about it.

Ese.Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя