Chapter Six: Damaged.

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Step after step .....

Endless walking.....

Losing hope..........

I concluded that I couldn't teleport. I was already exhausted from walking so long. This place seemed endless. Plus I didn't want to pop into a place where it would be dangerous. Especially Undyne... She's a fucking maniac. She wouldn't hesitate to snap someone's neck of they even touched her. But hey, there's rumours that shes way to..well... ' dangerous' for the royal guard. Although nobody's fired her. Maybe they're afraid she'd kill them. Who cares.    

Hours passed. I couldn't keep hold of my hoodie any longer. My fingers were frozen. My head was pounding. My legs felt like they were about to give up. I could hear the screams of the wind, flying past me.

I couldn't keep this up any longer....
I could hear the crunch of the white snow, as I faltered  to the ground.

" I ....can't  -huff- ....keep this up....-puff - ...that's . I'm done . " I whispered in defeat.

Fluffing up my frozen hood, I tried to seal up the remaining heat that I had left. But my whole body was shaking. Soon I got comfortable with my knees to my chest and sat in the snow.

My eyelids began to slowly drop, as if I was being spun into a trance. I got back into a steady breathing rhythm. I was exhausted.

I let myself rest. Eyes closed.

It felt relaxing..somehow .... all alone....with nothing but the cold to keep me company.

Alone ....all alone.....

I began to really ponder that word....

Memories flooded into my mind...

Flashes of myself....But not myself? was me a younger, playful me.




Sadness overwhelmed me. These forgotten thoughts, as a kid. I was happy. Now that I think, I don't remember the last time I genuinely felt like that. It was such a simple emotion, yet in my life it was so rare.

I wish it wasn't...

My face crumbled over the weight of these desperate feelings.

I started to feel something touch my cheek. I looked up...

Nobody... Nothing.

Was it my blood again?

I raised my palm to the source...

Definitely a liquid...?

I continued to lower my hand to investigate it.

I stared in shock as it was tears..


I quickly brushed them off my face.

Tears are for the weak. I don't need them.

I felt disgusted in myself for even letting those things out.

My body tensed as I heard something faint in the distance.

" Sans...."

My eyes strained to catch sight of this voice. But I couldn't see anything but white.

Was it Papyrus looking for me?

" Sans...!"

I jolted upward.

" Hello?" I whispered.

The voice was getting closer... I could feel it.

" Sans.." it felt right beside me.

My heart rate increased. I started to spin in every direction looking for it.

There's Nothing? where is this voice???

... I didn't recognize it.

" Show yourself Bitch!!" I spat at this...thing?

It's response was a laughter. Demonic almost. I swear I heard it say..

" We both know you hate yourself. Why hide it?"

A flat laugh Echoed everywhere.

Then silence.

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