Chapter 9

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Third Person POV

Stiles sat thinking about what had just happened earlier. He has no doubt that she could indeed kill Scott and him. She was powerful and growing stronger. But would she really? Stiles didn't think so.

"Hello?" Stiles asked answering his phone.

"Stiles." A deep and brooding voice said on the other line.

"Derek?" Stiles asked un believing.

"Stiles we need to talk." Derek said from the other line.

"Why?" Stiles asked sitting up on the bed.

"Because. Just meet me at the coordinates I text you." He said but before stiles could answer Derek hung up. A few seconds later Stiles's text tone went off and coordinated appeared on his screen. Stiles got up and went to those coordinates.
"Alright Derek I'm here what do you want." Stiles asked facing Derek.

"Stiles I'm worried about you." Derek said.

"You made me drive for two hours get lost in the woods just to tell me you're worried about me?" Stiles practically yelled with anger and frustration.

"No I made you come here to tell you that I'm sorry for abandoning you. I just... Oh god... Stiles I have feelings for you and I have for a while I just didn't understand it and once I did I couldn't be around you without getting nervous and I was too afraid to talk to you and now I'm afraid it's too late... You being possessed again and all." Derek rambled.

"Okay sourwolf chill out a bit." Derek growled at the nickname.

"Okay wait a minute why are you telling ME this if you know I'm possessed. Is this a trick? Are you trying to trick stiles out of me?" Stiles asked.

"No. I-I..." Derek stuttered eyeing behind stiles. Suddenly a figure appeared behind stiles injecting him with a liquid making him pass out.
This isn't the best I'm sorry but I hope you enjoy. Who do you think he mystery girl is? Do you think Derek actually has feelings for stiles? What do you think will happen next? Leave a comment below :)

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