Chapter 4

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This chapter is going to be Stiles's POV because I couldn't do it in third person POV.
Stiles's POV

I woke up in an unknown bed in a place that looked and felt familiar but I couldn't place my finger on it. I looked at the big metal door feeling like it looked familiar. I walked up to the door and tried to open it but it wouldn't budge.

"Let me out!" I yelled banging on the door. I walked up to the window and looked out it covering my eyes to block the sun.

Suddenly the big metal door swung open and I was taken outside. I saw a bunch of people sitting and some were talking. Wait I know this place. Oh no they better not have.

I know exactly where I am... Eichen House.

Why the hell would they put me in here? I'm not that insane! I remember when I was void I came here and it was absolutely TERRIBLE! There was Oliver and Malia... Okay Malia was great but still! Now Malia hates me and I hate her and... ugh! I hate this place too many memories.

Speaking of Oliver... Oliver walked up to me with a confused look.

"Stiles?" Oliver asked.

"Hey Oliver." I replied.

"Listen... Sorry about last time you were here I don't know what happened ." Oliver said.

"It's okay I understand." I replied with a slight smirk.

"Cool." Oliver half whispered.

"So what are you back in here for?" Oliver asked.

"I went insane and killed a bunch of people." I said bluntly and Oliver looked surprised and took a step away from me but continued walking with me.

"Oh." Oliver gasped slightly.

"I need to get out of here I can't do this again." I said tears brimming my eyes threatening to spill.

"I don't know I don't think they'll let you." Oliver said.

"Jesus Christ..." I said stopping in front of a wall and leaning my forehead against it letting tears fall.

After a few minutes I turned around and sat on the ground leaning my back against the wall tears falling harder.

"Stiles are you okay?" Oliver asked me with a lace of concern.

"No... I guess... not really." I cried.

"Stiles?" A tall women walked up to me. It's my schools old guidance counselor.

"Are you alright?" She asked.

"No! How many more times am I going to have to say that!?" I yelled angrily sobbing.

"Stiles come with me." She said and I stood up and followed her to her office.

"What's going on with you Stiles?" She asked.

"Well let's see my dad left me, my ex hates me, my ex best friend hates me, my mom's dead, I was possessed, and I'm insane." I said tears starting to fall again.

"Okay calm down Stiles." She said trying to calm me.

"I can't! I can't. I never wanted to be this way! I want to be my old self again! Now I'm FBI's most freaking wanted and no matter what I do I'm going to be chased!" I yelled.

"Stiles you need to calm down." She tried again.

I broke into a fit of laughter it was insane and uncontrollable. The tears stopped falling and I just sighed and looked at her. She looked so confused.

"Wow you really fell for that sob story?" I said laughing.

"Oh come on this place won't hold me. Like I said I'm FBI's most wanted. Nothing can hold me." With that I broke into uncontrollable laughter before I was dragged away by guards and thrown back in my room.
Sorry for the long wait I've been busy. This isn't very good but I'm trying. Enjoy :D

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