Chapter 1

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Stiles sat watching tv (that he stole of course) and downing bottles of alcohol. He's in a very bad mood today for some reason. Maybe it's the fact he didn't sleep at all last night, his dad left him, everyone hates him, and he hasn't committed a crime in over a week. He was so full of anger right now he thought he was going to explode. Finally stiles shot up from his seat and threw his empty bottle at the wall.

"Okay! That's it! Time to make my next move!" Stiles yelled.

Stiles packed all the stuff he wanted to keep and put it in his suitcase he put on his clean suit. He grabbed his map and marked a bank location.

"That's it okay let's do this." Stiles said and put on his goggles he used to cover his face so no one could get a good look of him. He grabbed his guns, knives, explosives, trip wires, etc. and he was out the door.

He drove to the bank and hopped out of his car(that he also stole.) The bank looked pretty empty there were a few workers and only two security guards which he could shoot easily if needed. There were only five customers and no kids or teenagers all adults good. Of course stiles didn't care if there were kids/teens. He set up a trip wire at both entrances and exits stepped over them and walked inside.

"It's show time. ALRIGHT EVERYONE GET ON THE GROUND IN THE MIDDLE OF THE ROOM NOW!" Stiles yelled and everyone started screaming.


Everyone got on the ground in the center of the room. "Finally!" Stiles yelled in a half whisper.

Stiles looked directly at a camera before speaking. "If the police don't get here in 10 minutes I'm going to shoot everyone in here tick tock!" Stiles yelled.

(9 minutes and 57 seconds later)

"Alright who should I kill first." Stiles laughed evilly.

"Eenie meenie miny.... You." Stiles said and shot the man in the middle of all the people. Everyone was screaming and crying.

Finally sirens were heard and police cars pulled up. Stiles ran to the surveillance room and the police seemed to have noticed the trip wires and gone over them. But what they don't know is that stiles planted a bomb somewhere in that room. The police got everyone standing up and calmed down and stiles pressed the button that makes the bomb blow.

A big explosion happened and stiles cheered. Once all the smoke cleared out
he checked if anyone survived. No one if they did they got out. Stiles took his spray paint and went and sprayed on the walls on the outside of the building "have a nice day! Ha ha ha!" Got into his car and drove as far away from there as he could get.
This is bad but I'm going to try to make it better I already have a good idea for the next chapter so be prepared it might be up later today I don't know yet.

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