Day 16: Almost Done

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Previously (I didn't write that part)
Now that Ed got his "candy," they can get back to planning. After working for a lot of time they are almost done. But.. are they really?

Ed's POV
"Ed. Did you get all the streamers up?" Roy asked. I checked a box next to the word streamers. "Check!" Roy looked at his clipboard and saw the next item. "Cobwebs all up?" I checked another box. "Check!" Roy looked at the next few items and says them all at once. "Lights, music, and food and drinks?" I checked all the boxes. "Check, check and check!"

"Great! Now all we need are invitations, other decorations, and then we'll be ready for the party!" I nodded. "Yep! Oh! And don't forget! We still need to decide on our costumes!" Roy nodded. "Yeah. How about we decide on that when we get home?"

"Okay!" We headed out of the auditorium and walked home.

The Stupid Bitch's POV
I walked into the auditorium when I knew Ed was gone. I got spray paint and my handy dandy wrench. Oh and my hammer, screwdriver and other tools that would be useful. You'll pay Edward Elric. You will pay dearly!! You were supposed to be with me. Not that pedophile, who happens to be your superior, who I bet only wants you for your body. Don't mess with the Rockbells!

Roy's POV
The next day and we haven't decided what our costumes should be. Ed and I walk back to Central Command to the auditorium where we could finish up the necessary decorating we have to do. Then we won't have to worry about anything else. We walk in. I see the room. It was trashed. It was all ruined. Ed and I gasp at how the place looked. "What the hell?! How did this happen?!" Ed shouts as we look at the damage. We see the walls have spray painted words. Words that were most likely for Ed. "Whore?! Slut?! Asshole?! Who would write something like this?! What the hell?!" I see something else written on the wall. "Ed. I know who did this. It was Winry. Look over here." I pointed to where I was standing. He walks over and reads aloud what it said. "I hate you Edward! I hope you and Roy are never happy together! I hope you both burn in hell!! Fuck you both!! I hate all of you!!"

"What the fuck is wrong with her!!! I'll fucking kill her!! She's the one who's going to burn in hell!!" Ed didn't stop me. He kept looking at the room. It was wrecked. Everything was destroyed. It was a mess. "Roy. How are we gonna fix this!? We don't have much time left!! We have to cancel.. all the hard work we did.... and it was all for nothing!!!! God dammit Winry!! You fail of an excuse for a love interest in this anime!! God fucking dammit!!!"

"Ed. Calm down.. We'll fix this. We just need more help that's all. We'll have everyone we know to help. We'll fix this." Ed calmed down and nodded. "Yeah... you're right... okay... okay... I'm calm. Let's go get some more help!"

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