Day 8: Party Planning and Familiar Faces

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I am so sorry I didn't update yesterday! I had to go with my dad to the races and I was there for over 5 hours! I should've updated before, but I didn't have enough time. Anyways, here's the one shot for today.

Previously, Ed helped Roy with the idea of a masquerade-costume party. The two got to have the auditorium reserved for their party which will be held on Halloween night. Let's see how the party planing is going.

Ed's POV
"Over there. Yeah. That would be a great place for it. Yeah... Yeah! Perfect! Thanks you guys." I told some soldiers who were adjusting a table by the stage.

"Wow Ed. You sure are excited about this." Roy said to me. "Hell yeah I am!" I said back. "Now let's see." I continued looking down at the clipboard I was holding. "What's next... Oh. The decorations. Roy. Be a dear and grab the decorations. They're in the trunk of the car." I told him. "I need the keys."

"In my back pocket love." I said showing him the back pocket with the keys sticking out. "Oh. The, back, pocket." He said with a smirk. He then reached for the pocket. He reached in and grabbed the keys. As his hand was in the pocket I shivered as I felt his hand rummaging the pocket. He pulled his hand out with the keys in hand. "Thanks babe!" I shouted to him as he started to walk away. He then left the place and walked to the car.

"Alright. Let's see what's after the decorations..." I continued as walked towards the door. "Edward?" I looked up and saw someone. I gasped as I saw her.


Yay! One my least least favorite characters is now involved to cause drama, because that's all she does! Yay! *says sarcastically* Sorry. I really don't like Winry. She's a crybaby, and she's just annoying. But I had to include her because I have an evil idea.

Also, again, sorry for not updating yesterday. And right after I publish this part, I'll update the part that's meant for today.

That's it! See you the next day!


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