Right now, I couldn't read his eyes, I couldn't tell what he was thinking. He was looking at me with an expression that looked like a cross between confusion and caring, maybe?
I snapped back to reality, and my cheeks flushed bright pink. He still hadn't said a word, and that was enough to tell me that I was ridiculous, and I should have just kept my mouth shut.
I clenched my jaw. "Well, I guess that my cue to go," I joked, plastering a strained smile to my face. "Let's nuke these sons of a bitches."

I stood up, and David and Steve followed suit. I could feel their eyes boring into my back, but I ignored it and hopped back into my seat in full view of the aliens.

"Well hello there!!" I shouted jokingly, waving at the alien that, if it had a human face, might even be looking confused.

"Take a look at the earthlings! Goodbye!"

"Y'all take care! Nothing but love for ya!"

David and Steve had joined in, waving a smiling like idiots.

My stomach flipped when I looked over at David, but I ignored it. Regardless of how I was feeling right now, I still wouldn't choose a different way to go out.

"Do you think they know what's about to happen to them?" Steve asked.

"Not a chance in hell."

"Hell no."

David and I both spoke at the same time, and looked at each other for a moment, before David broke eye contact to punch in the launch code into the small black box.


"Have a nice sleep!"


I leaned back in my seat, ready to inevitably accept the explosion coming, but jumped when the space craft shuddered.

David, Steve, and I all looked at each other, before Steve grabbed the controls in front of him.

"We're loose!"

"Think you can get us out of here in 30 seconds?" David asked Steve as we started finally moving again.

"I ain't heard no fat lady!"

I groaned. "Forget about the fat lady! You're bloody obsessed!"

"Just get us out of here!" David agreed.

We started flying through the larger mother ship back towards where we had entered, and I began to hear the sounds of an obvious chase. I tried to see behind us, and my eyes widened when I realized that there were about five of the alien crafts following us, and shooting.

"They're chasing us!" David shouted at Steve.

"You think?!" Steve exclaimed, trying to avoid the blasts of the alien's ships.

I bit my lip, trying to think. There had to be something I could do to help.

My eyes widened and undid my seatbelt and jumped out of my seat.

"Hey! What do you think you're doing?!"

I ignored David shouting after me as I half ran, half slid to the back of the space ship to a seat I had noticed earlier.

I slid in quickly and grabbed the control in front of mr that looked a joystick from a video game.

"I don't actually know how this works!!" I yelled over my shoulder to David and Steve.

There was a response, but I didn't hear what it was as I was too focused on trying to return fire on the spaceships behind us.

I jumped when a beam finally from our ship and shot to the left of one of the crafts behind us.

...oops (Independence Day Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now