He took another bite of his apple. "How's he treating you?"

"Pretty good." Except for the fact I've cheated on him. But I could leave that part out.

"That's good. Now, how's your mother? And Josh? How's high school treating him?"

"Josh has too many friends," I sighed. "And mom is good. She's taken up baking now."

"Another hobby?"

"Yeah. I think this one she'll actually stick to though." We looked at each other and smiled, then doubled over laughing. We knew that was a lie. Mom never stayed with a hobby for more than six weeks, and never repeated hobbies more than once. A thought crossed my mind just then. It was nice not constantly thinking about Elliott and Hunter. It was refreshing to finally have a conversation with my dad like old times.

We both stopped laughing as we heard the door open, followed by light footsteps. We looked at each other and knew it was my mom.

"Avery? Are you home?" she called, her voice getting closer. I looked at dad, who motioned for me to stall her, so I rushed towards the archway and stopped her in the hall. She was carrying a cake serving platter, with most of the cake gone. "Honey what are you doing home? Were your bruises bothering you? I told you to call me!"

She tried to move past me but I cut in front of her, taking the dish from her. "Um, yeah, but I asked them if I could go and they said yes. I didn't see the need to call you if you were busy," I said. She gave me a look and tried to move past me again, but I moved in front of her a second time.

"Avery, what are you doing?" she asked, trying to get past me again. "Are you trying to hide something from me."

"Uh, that depends," I said. She finally got past me and went into the kitchen. I followed her and set the dish down on the counter.

"What's going on Avery?" she said, putting her hands on her hips.

I smiled as dad came up from behind her. He put his finger to his lips, but I couldn't help but smiling. Mom gave me a weird look, but before she could turn around, dad put his hands over her eyes. She froze as he spoke.

"Guess who?"

She put her hands over his and removed them from her eyes slowly, then spun around. She looked like she was going to faint, like me, but dad caught her in a huge hug.

"Oh, my god," she whispered through the tears. "Oh my god! You're home!"

"I'm home," he confirmed. He bent down and kissed her passionately. She responded by putting her hands on his cheeks and kissing him back. I looked down, feeling my face grow hot. The thoughts of Mr. Taylor came flooding back, and I couldn't help but feel embarrassed and guilty all at the same time. I had the sudden urge to go and see Hunter. I needed him to know I still cared for him, even if he didn't know anything about what I had did. I prayed to God he would never find out.

"Well," I said, grabbing my keys off of the counter. "I've already had my talk with dad to catch him up on everything in my life. I can see you two want some time alone so I'm going to go for a drive. I need to go by the library anyways to pick up a book for AP Calculus, anyways."

"Are you sure? Your father just got home, Avery!" my mother protested.

"Like I said, I'll let you two have some alone time. School is almost out and Josh will be home soon anyways," I said. "You two catch up. I need to do something before tonight."

"If you're sure honey," dad said. I gave him another hug, then walked out the door, got in the car, and drove towards Hunter's house.


I pulled up to his house and parked at the bottom next to the driveway. I looked and was suddenly confused when I saw Hunter's car in the driveway. I glanced at the clock. School didn't get out for another hour. Why was Hunter home?

I got out of my car and walked up the brick sidewalk to his door. I lifted my hand to knock, but felt nervous all of a sudden. I got a worried feeling, wondering if Hunter was okay. I knocked lightly and waited a few moments. From the other side of the door, someone unlocked it and pulled it open. I smiled when I saw Hunter's mom. She smiled back at me.

"Oh, hello Avery!" she said. "I'm assuming you're here to see Hunter?"

I nodded and she motioned me inside. I stepped through the door and turned back to her. She nodded, giving me permission to go to his room. "Hunter came home early today with a friend. Something for a project."

"A friend?" I asked.

"Yes. Now go on and see him. I need to go and check on the tea I'm making for them." She disappeared  down the hall and I shook my head, smiling. I loved Hunter's mom. She was so old-fashioned, unlike my mom. I walked over to the stairs and began jogging up them. Since the stairs were carpeted, you couldn't hear the footsteps. I made it to the top, breathing a little harder, and walked down the hallway towards Hunter's room. I stood in front of his door, which to my curiosity was closed. I put my hand on the gold handle and turned, then pushed the door open.

"Hey Hunter, who-" I stopped, mid-sentence. I was frozen in the doorway, my mouth gaping, and I knew I looked like a complete idiot. I couldn't believe what I was seeing. Hunter saw me and quickly sat up on his bed, kneeling beside one of our classmates, who looked as embarrassed as Hunter.

"Avery, what are you doing here," he said in a defensive tone, as if this was my fault that I caught him doing this.

I let my hand fall from the door handle as I stood there, speechless. Hunter got up from the bed, the bed he'd just been kissing another girl on, and walked towards me. I narrowed my eyes and gave him one of my best death glares.

"I thought you were different," I whispered. I blinked the tears away and shook my head, the laughed ironically. "Unbelievable."

"Avery, I didn't want you to find out this way," he said with a pleading voice.

"What way did you want me to find out, Hunter?!" I exclaimed. "When were you going to tell me? How long has this even been going on?!"

He looked away from me. "It just kind of happened last week," he whispered. "I was going to tell you, I was-"

I held my hand up. "Save it for someone who cares, Hunter. Because I really could careless right now." I looked behind him to the girl on the bed. She was petite, tan, with a slim figure and long, ginger hair. I had to admit, she was pretty, but that still gave him no right to do this to me. "I don't suppose you knew he had a girlfriend?"

She shook her head and narrowed her eyes at the back of Hunter's head. "No, he never told me."

"Well, now you know what you're getting yourself into," I said. I looked back at Hunter. "In case you haven't gotten the hint, we're officially over."

I turned and walked out of his room, not bothering to close it behind me.

"Avery! Avery, wait!" he called from behind me. I heard him running after me, but I flew down the stairs faster that he could even get to the edge of the top of them. "Avery!"

"Fuck you, Hunter!" I said. I opened the front door and then slammed it behind me, wondering if he would even attempt to even run after me. 

Illegal Innocence (Student/Teacher Relationship)Where stories live. Discover now