One Is Just Not Enough

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School was about the same today. Learning, lunch; recess. But I was more unaware of what I did and was really focused on what happened the night before. Was that really Candy in the bathtub or just my mind playing tricks on me? I honestly don't know what to believe at this point. Murder man told me they were going to haunt me forever, but that was just a dream; not real. I shouldn't listen to him, only if he told me when I was awake then...

"I will kill you like I did your parents. They will always find you and you won't forget."

Oh my gosh, he did tell me! Now that he's dead, the animatronics are coming to me in his place. Okay now would be a good time to tell someone; I don't care who it is at this point.

Once the school bus came to a complete stop, I quickly get up from my seat and run swiftly past all the passengers. I ran down the steps, up the driveway, across the pathway and into the house; running into Grandpa in the process.

"You've got to save me!" I shouted, hugging him.

"What's wrong kiddo?" Grandpa asked, being more sympathetic than the last few times, "You're more jumpy than you were when we moved you into your parents bedroom. Come; let's sit and talk."

I was confused as to why Grandpa was acting like this. Maybe he's starting to understand me. Or he just might be reeling me in just to rub my problems in my face some more and say 'I told you so'.

We sat together on the couch and Grandpa wrapped his arm around me; placing his large, tanned hand on my shoulder.

"Okay, it's just you and me today," he said confidently, "Janice is at work so you don't have to worry."

To be truthful, this is the one reason I was semi-worried.

"So please, tell me what's wrong... and be honest. I don't want any lies; I'll know if you are, trust me."

I looked down and fiddled with my hands. Foxy was still in my backpack so I didn't have much to play around with. I sighed and got myself ready to tell my tale.

"Well after you guys moved me into my parents bedroom, I started to remember about the nightmare I had that got me here in the first place. In my dream, the man that killed mom and dad was chasing me; using Foxy as the main weapon. He was planning on murdering me like he did to them, he even said that at my birthday party when I was 5; standing above mom's body. But in my dream, before he got close enough to me, the puppet caught him and killed him. But before that happened, the man said that 'they' were going to hunt me and kill me for him. So that night when you got me into bed, I was noticing how many hiding spaces the room had for the animatronics to hide. It was yesterday after school, when Grandma showed me the room for the first time, that I realized that the murder man meant the robots from Freddy Fazbear's Pizzeria. Then after you tucked me in for the first night, I had my flashlight with me; ready for anything.

"The first time I woke up was at 12AM and I searched around the rooms looking for anyone, but found no one and went back to bed only to wake up an hour later. I checked all the closets and bathroom again and saw nothing.

"The next time I woke up was at 5AM, but this time it was by a banging noise from the ensuite. I decided to wait before I looked and at 5:30, I heard it again. So I grabbed my flashlight and looked in the bathroom to find a silhouette of Candy, from Candy's Burgers and Fries, standing there. After that the alarm clock in the room started going off and it said 6AM. When I turned back to the tub, it was gone."

The whole time I was explaining, Grandpa rubbed his bearded chin and occasionally gave wide eyes. He sat still, probably processing all that I said to him. I played with my hands again, waiting for his response. A few minutes later, Grandpa releases his hand off my shoulder and straightens up on the couch.

"So you say that the animatronics from your old favourite kids restaurant, and the new one, are trying to kill you because your parents killer said so because he died?" he asked.

I nodded.

"I know you're not lying to me but this does sound a little crazy."

"I know," I replied, "It's okay if you want to laugh at me and say it's all in my head."

"I'll tell you this kiddo, it is... but it isn't."

What's that supposed to mean, Grandpa?"

He sighed and stood up from his seat.

"Just... be careful tonight Sam, alright?"

I slowly nodded, "Ok."

That night when my Grandparents got me into bed, Grandpa was the last this time. He hugged me and handed me some small, cold cylinders.

"Here," he said, "You might need these."

Then they both left the room, shutting the door. I open my closed hand and look at the shapes; they were batteries... for my flashlight? Why would I need these? I reached for my light from under my pillow and turned it on. Once I did it lit up the room pretty well, that was until it started flashing a little. Not entirely, but it just got dimmer when it did. I guess that's why Grandpa got me these. I placed the batteries on the table beside the bed and went to sleep.


That's what the clock said when I woke up. I did wake up at 12AM last night so I guess that's good. I did my usual routine of checking all the rooms with my flashlight. All seemed well and normal until I heard the sound of footsteps outside the room. I was frightened at first, but then I thought it was probably Grandpa coming upstairs to get something. I was confused... what would he get from up here and why this early in the morning? I decided to check it out.

I turned away from the closet doors and shinned my flashlight at the bedroom door; walking closer to it. I grabbed the door knob and slowly opened it, turning off my flashlight for now.I peeked my head out a bit; listening for the footsteps. I didn't hear that, but I did hear a very faint breathing sound and creaking noise. I pulled out my light and turned it on; lighting up the hallway. I then saw what I couldn't believe. At the end of the hall was a big robot with round ears, bowtie and, to finish it off, a top hat. My jaw dropped in shock...

Was that Freddy in my hallway?

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