Five Nights Of What?

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Hello, it's Sam again! Have you ever stayed up all night, afraid of something killing you in your sleep? I guess you can get a little shut eye, but be careful!


That's the time my mind thought was a good time to wake up. I found that a little hard to believe. Maybe my body sensed something but I didn't. I decided to check my surroundings. I grabbed my flashlight from beside me and pulled my sheets off. I climb out of my bed and tip-toe my way around; looking in all the rooms. No matter where I looked, nothing was there. I guess it's all in my head. Once I was convinced that no animatronics had showed up, I made my way back to bed. I turn off the light and lay down on my pillow; closing my eyes once again.


One hour? Just one hour I managed to sleep. Dumb brain, let my dreams just be fake. Dreams aren't real! Robots aren't going to kill me! Although just to please my haunted thoughts, I decided to check all the rooms again.

Closet? Nothing.

Walk-in closet? Nothing.

Ensuite? Nothing again!

Seriously, there's no one here! Why do I keep waking up? I ignored my brain again and went back to sleep, hoping I'll wake up when the sun shows itself.


I bolted up in bed to a banging sound. I started to shake in fear. Is it them? Are they actually here? I decided that it would be best if I confirmed the the presence of the bang. So, with my flashlight in hand; body as close to me as possible, I waited for the noise to be heard. Half an hour passed and I was about to lose hope, that is when I heard the same sound coming from the bathroom. I jumped in realization... there was something, or someone, in the house! I wanted to hide in my covers forever but if I don't do something, I'll be dead by dawn.

I shined my flashlight across the room, which lit the ensuite a bit. It wasn't much to see what could possibly be in there. Desperate to find the mystery hidden in the room, I got down from my bed and walked to the bathroom door; shining the flashlight around the room. This was the first time I got the full view and detail in the room. After the door, there was a toilet to the left and a table to the right with two fancy, glass sinks. Further ahead there was a shower without a tub. The bathtub was separate with a flower pattern curtain, but I pointed my light at it and saw something as well. It was a shadow, like a silhouette, behind the curtain. It was tall and had cat ears, but was still. Is that who I think it is? I slowly walked closer to the tub, getting ready to face the worst. The closer I got, the more fear creeped inside me. I stayed at the curtain, staring straight at the shadow.

A loud beeping sound shook me from my thoughts. I turn my head quickly to face out the bathroom door; at my bed. On the table beside it there was an alarm clock, going off. From where I was I could still read the time perfectly...


The alarm soon stopped and I brought my focus back to the bathtub. To my surprise and relief, the shadow was gone. I was really confused of what happened that night. Maybe I should tell Grandma about this. Then again, she might do something crazy again; I really don't want that to happen. I'll just keep this to myself for now.

As I made my way out of the bathroom, the sun was starting to shine into my room; making it brighter. I turned off my flashlight and put it back under my pillow. I decided that it would be best if I got ready for the day and just try to get that experience out of my mind.

I walked over to my dresser and opened my shirt drawer. To my surprise, my Foxy plushy was there; staring at me. I shrieked and backed my hands away, but then chuckled it off. Very funny, Grandpa. I lifted Foxy out of my shirt pile and gave him a hug.

"You keep popping out of no where," I said, "Grandpa just wants to scare me and I guess you're his first choice. I promise you Foxy, he can't make me forget."

I got ready for school and left for my bus, remembering to bring Foxy this time.

Let's just hope that this is a promise I will keep. I don't want to discover the consequences.

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