"There's modern country music, Roza."

"Oh no, you don't. Don't Roza me." She whirled on the man, "You know that's not fair."

Guardian Petrov cleared her throat and gestured to the entourage approaching. It was the Queen and a legion of guardians. I bowed but noticed the others didn't do the same. Then the wildest thing happened. The Queen of the Moroi embraced Guardian Petrov.

"Alberta, I was hoping you'd be coming today."

"I had to make sure Belikov was still treating Rose right." She said, giving the two a wink.

Queen Vasilisa grinned and turned to the two guardians when the smile dropped slightly. "What are you two arguing about now?"

"Music." Guardian Petrov supplied, and the Queen groaned in a distinctly un-Queenly manner.

"Again? I swear one of these days I'm forcing both of you to just sit in a room and listen to classical music for hours."

I another shocking act, Guardian Hathaway-Belikov stuck her tongue out at the Queen. "Oh, hush. Like you and Christian are any better."

The Queen suddenly seemed to realize my presence and paused. "Oh, I'm so sorry. I've been terribly rude."

"Oh, no. It's alright, your Majesty." I said, shaking my head.

She bit the inside of her cheek and Guardian Hathaway-Belikov snorted. "If you tell one more person not to call you your Majesty I'll start calling you that."

The Queen shoved her shoulder and turned back to me. "Don't worry, I won't put that on you. I will thank you for the service you're doing to the Moroi. Really, thank you. But we shouldn't keep you. Go find the rest of the new guardians."

I nodded and gave her another bow before running off. I was still numb from the experience I'd just gone through. I just had a conversation with the head of the Royal Guard, the guardian of the Queen's boyfriend, and the Queen herself. It was baffling. He'd been personally thanked by the Queen.

He couldn't wait to brag to his friends.



"So who was that, anyway?" Rose asked as Luke scurried off.

"One of our better students. He noticed your fight earlier."

"Half the Court noticed our fight." Dimitri said, giving Rose a pointed look, which she just laughed at.

I shook my head, "I'm glad to see all of you. Especially after this graduating class."

"A lot of trouble makers?" Que- Vasilisa asked, sympathetic. She'd insisted that if Rose respected me as a teacher and mentor then it was only right that she show the same respect.

I shook my head in response, "The exact opposite. We didn't catch a single dhampir sneaking out of the dorms. Not even alcohol hidden in the dorms."

"Maybe you're losing you touch, Alberta." Rose teased, and I couldn't help but scoff.

"No, trust me." I looked to where Luke had disappeared into the nearby building. "This group was sixteen when the age decree happened." I could sense the other guardians tense at my mention of the law that had been stopped shortly after Vasilisa took the throne.

"It sobered them, didn't it?" Rose asked, a sad look in her eyes.

I nodded, "None of them actually made it to the field in that time, but some of the older kids did. When the decree was repealed they were brought back, and the looks in some of their eyes." I shuddered, those were the looks of seasoned guardians, not young children, "It was enough to sober anyone. This class stopped fooling around and threw themselves into their classes, especially combat."

"That stupid decree." Rose frowned, lost in thought.

I nodded, "It made for some great students, but a very boring school year. But it seems like this new senior class has plenty of trouble-makers in it."

"Jackson." Rose said, heaving a sigh as she looked off.

Vasilisa frowned, "Who?"

"Mason's little brother." I said, and understanding filled her face as she pulled Rose close to her. Ashford's death had been hard on everyone, but especially Rose. Jackson had suffered plenty, but he, like Rose, had fought to keep moving. He'd channeled that into making sure people laughed, same as his brother.

Rose looked back at me, "Don't let him do anything too stupid. And put him on the second floor. Knowing him, he'll find a way to climb out the window no matter where you put him and the best option is the second floor. Put him on the first and he'll find a way to remove those bars."

I smiled and nodded, "I'll keep him safe, so long as you keep these guys safe." I gestured to Vasilisa and Belikov.

Rose nodded, a small grin finding its way onto her face. I gave her a last hug, "And tell Castile I said hi next time you see him."

"Of course." She said, returning the hug.

I turned to leave and heard Rose shout, "Oh, and let the newbies know I'll be visiting them. I've got a couple words for them."

I shook my head, exasperated. I'd warn them, of course, because I had no doubt Rose would follow through on her threat, although I'm sure it would just make them even more nervous than usual.

But maybe that was a good thing.


Not sure how I feel about the ending, but I was really excited about the beginning.


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