Chapter 15 - Party! Wait, what happened at the party?

Start from the beginning

I sighed slightly, I should've known Aaron was still a prick, Gee was right, as usual. Why did I feel sorry for him?

'You punched him for me?' I asked smiling.

'I'm not going to let him talk shit about you!' Cole replied, sounding angry.

'Thank you.' I said quietly as I squeezed his hand.

'He's a fucking dick head.' Cole muttered.

'I know.' I snorted slightly before I smiled widely at Cole.

I quickly walked over to the kitchen countertop and grabbed some kitchen paper before I stumbled to the sink and wet it.

'You're such an idiot for punching the wall.' I laughed slightly as I pressed the paper towel against Cole's knuckles.

'Ow!' Cole winced as he pulled his hand away.

'Don't be such a baby.' I smiled as I grabbed his hand again.

'You know your dress is quite low, maybe Aaron was right about you being a little slag.' Cole joked, the usual smirk on his face.

I smiled slightly at Cole's smirk, seeing him being himself made me happy.

'Don't look! Pervert.' I snorted as I pulled up the dress before I wiped his face with a clean dry paper towel.

'You look nice tonight.' He smiled a genuine smile.

'Thanks,' I smiled, 'So do you.'

Cole smirked before he shook his head slightly. 'I'm really sorry about yesterday.' He said quickly.

'Oh, don't worry. I don't even know what really happened, sorry for assuming things yesterday.' I replied, making sure to put emphasis on 'assuming'

To which Cole smirked before he said, 'Let's just enjoy tonight together.'

'Let's just do that.' I replied smiling before I grabbed Cole's hand and pulled him into the living room.

'Drinking?' I asked him as I grabbed two cans of strongbow.

To which Cole scoffed, 'Has there ever been a party where I haven't drank?'

'I'll take that as a yes.' I sighed as I handed him a can.

'Cheers to a great night.' Cole smirked as he clanked his can against mine.


'You can't say that!!' I screeched in laughter.

'Yes I can! Emma is an ugly hoe!' Cole laughed goofily as he rested his head in my lap.

'Shh! She'll hear you!' I whispered loudly.

'Do I care? EMMA YOU'RE AN UG-'
I quickly put my hand over his mouth as I laughed loudly.

'Mm mm mm.' Cole mumbled before he pretended to be die dramatically.

To which I laughed goofily as I moved my hand.

'This sofa is uncomfortable.' I mumbled as I took another sip from my 7th, maybe 8th can, I can't remember.

'Your lap is uncomfortable.' Cole muttered as he turned his head slightly.

'Um, get off my lap then.' I slurred as I looked down at Cole.

'Fine!' Cole shouted as he grinned before he jumped up off the sofa, causing him to stumble slightly.

'You're such an idiot.' I laughed goofily as I got up of the sofa, also stumbling as I grabbed Cole's arm.

'Can I have a shower now?' Cole asked as he walked weirdly through the crowds of people with me clinging onto his shoulder.

'No, you have to wait, because you can't shower in public. People will see you.' I said clearly.

'Are people not allowed to see me? They see me now.' Cole slurred as we walked into the kitchen.

'Shots.' Cole shouted as he grabbed two shot glasses from a girl before he handed me one.

'5, 3, 1! Go!' Cole shouted before we both took the shots.

'Ughh!' I winced as I looked at Cole, to which Cole laughed deeply.

I frowned at Cole confused as he stumbled towards a chair and sat on it.

'La ha Mmm mm.' I hummed to the song playing as I staggered towards Cole.

'I hate these.' I shouted as I bent down and pulled my heels off, before I threw them across the room.

'You'll need those!' Cole feigned shock.

'Guess what I did in seventh grade?' I asked Cole, as I sat on his lap.

'What?' Cole asked, sounding intrigued, as he wrapped his arm round me.

'Cats.' I replied.

'Cats?' Cole frowned.

'Cats.' I nodded.

'I prefer dogs.' Cole mumbled as he rested his head against my back.

'Oh my god, me too!' I exclaimed.

'There you guys are!' I looked up to see Gee with her arm around Trent, who was swaying slightly.
Alex was standing awkwardly behind her with some other football jock.

'Hey, hey, Cole!' Alex shouted as he winked dramatically at Cole gesturing to me.

'I bet he's got a boner!' The boy whispered loud enough for everyone to hear.

Gee snorted as the boys laughed, except Cole, he just mumbled something, his head pressed against my back.

Poor Gee has been left alone with these drunk guys all night.

'I must be such a bad best friend!!' I shouted as I put my head in my hands.

'What?' Gee laughed.

'I've left you all alone with these mongo's!' I mumbled as I gestured towards the drunk boys, 'I am so sorry!' I cried.

Gee laughed before she shook her head slightly, 'I'm surrounded my drunk freaks.' She muttered under her breathe.

And that is all I remember from the party.. Right now I am led down on a sofa in Derik's house, my head resting on Cole's chest. So, we didn't leave last night.

Cole groaned as he stretched his arms before he looked down at me. 'Oh, hey princess.' He mumbled, his voice groggy.

'What happened last night?' I frowned as I looked up at him.

'Don't you remember?' Cole smirked an evil smirk.

'No.. Do you?' I asked as I yawned.

'Of course I do.' Cole replied.

'Did I do anything I'll regret?' I asked as I raised an eyebrow.

'Oh wouldn't you like to know.' Cole said, the smirk remaining on his face.

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