Chapter 61: Sweet Witches

Start from the beginning

After the cooking was complete and the dishes laid out on the living room table, Krystal stepped back with Victoria to admire their hard work.

"It looks good!" Krystal declared, giving Victoria her seal of approval.

"I'm glad we've met your high standards, Chef Jung," Victoria joked. There was a knock at the door and the leader smiled brightly. "We finished just in time!"

Victoria rushed toward the door, waving at Krystal to join her. "Come here, come here."

The young girl opened the door, revealing Amber, Luna, and Amber's older sister, Jackie. The non-f(x) member had arrived in Korea two days ago in order to attend the first concert, and had been invited to the f(x) dinner by Victoria.

"Hey guys, come on in!" Krystal greeted in English. She smiled and stepped back, welcoming in their guests. Amber and Luna carried in covered dishes of food, while Jackie carried a bottle of wine that was graciously passed to Victoria.

In her slightly clumsy Chinese, Jackie thanked the f(x) leader for inviting them for dinner. "Thank you so much for having us over."

Victoria smiled in response, and then pulled Krystal towards her and forced the younger girl to bow. A confused Krystal played along, not knowing what was going on.

"Thank you for accepting my daughter into your family," Victoria said in slow, practiced English. Krystal, Amber, and Jackie snorted with laughter at the unexpected greeting while Luna looked at everyone in confusion.

Not to be outdone, Jackie pulled Amber to her and made her little sister bow as well. She spoke a phrase in Chinese, and only Victoria and Amber laughed this time while the two younger f(x) members looked around in confusion.

"What did she say?" Krystal asked Amber in Korean.

The rapper laughed and offered a translation. "I'm not sure she said it right, but Jackie said, 'Thank you for accepting this idiot.'"

Victoria nodded in approval and gave Jackie a thumbs-up in response, a universal sign of "good job" that everyone in the multi-lingual group could understand.

"Is this supposed to be a meeting of families?" Krystal joked to Victoria in Korean. "Are you giving me away then?"

"A mother can see when her daughter has chosen a good partner," Victoria joked in return.

"If this is a meeting of families, then what's my role?" Luna asked, wondering how she fit into their little scenario.

The leader winked at Luna. "You can be the minister who marries them."

The group moved to the living room where plates and utensils were passed around and the meal was eaten casually as a family. f(x) was a melting pot of cultures and languages. They spoke in English, Korean, Chinese, and even in Japanese for fun. With the addition of Jackie, there wasn't a single language that was common between the five of them. But rather than have Amber translate everything from Korean to English, Victoria and Luna attempted to communicate with Jackie in English and Chinese.

"I missed you," Amber murmured softly to Krystal so that no one else could hear them. Although the language barrier was a bit troublesome, the others were occupied by their own conversation and they paid no attention to the two young lovers. Amber scooted closer to Krystal and intertwined their fingers. "Did you miss me, too?"

Krystal laughed and nudged Amber shyly. "Am, we were together the entire morning and afternoon for practice. When would I have time to miss you?"

"I know, but it's lonely waking up without you," Amber whispered back. Krystal had stayed with Victoria the last two nights since Jackie arrived. She wanted to give the Liu sisters their space since they were rarely able to spend time together.

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