chapter number ?????: trender

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Reader p.o.v.
The mall is my escape. It's the only place I can go to relax and shop at the same time. Of course even though I come here to relax I always see people from school and the almost always seem to pick on me. Today wasn't any different and it was honestly worse than usual in my opinion. The guy that usually bullies me grabbed me by my hair and threw me at a mannequin. I could have sworn I heard the thing say something, but before I could even think I got kicked out of the mall. 'Great' I say to myself as I walked home. My house was only a few blocks away from the mall so it wasn't a far walk, but to my luck it was dark outside and there where a lot of allies that I had to walk through.

_________time skip________________

As I was walking through one of the allies closest to my house I was tripped by a.....mannequin? It looked over me and even though it looked lifeless it also looked so.....alive. it held out a hand and that's when I blacked out.
Trendy p.o.v.
'Dammit' I said to myself as they passed out 'oh well' u said as I picked them up. I had watched them walk out of their house so I knew exactly where to go and how to get there. They are so attractive...oops did I say that...good because I meant it.

DEAR GOODNESS I AM SO SORRY! it took so long to think of what to write and then as I finally did...BOOM I GET GROUNDED!! but needless to say I am back and feeling much happier and ready to write and make y'all happy. And again I am so SO sorry it took so long to upload this. Ok BYE! ( ^ω^)

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