chapter five I think? : slenderman

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My face got extremely dark red after he said that he loved me. I looked at the man deeply and slowly replied. "I love you too..." My voice trailed off and even though he had no face you could tell he was ecstatic. He was trying to hide every emotion possible, but it was clear that this was a challenge for him. He finally gave in and wrapped his strong warm arms around me making me feel safe and loved. Everything before this moment was a complete blur now that I was in his arms. He finally pulled away and his non-face was slowly approaching mine. I blinked and heard a tearing sound. When I opened my eyes he suddenly had a mouth. "What? Was your mouth velcroed shut" I said whispering in a teasing voice. He chuckeled in a low sexy voice. Finally after what seemed like forever we finally kissed. His hands slowly and softly landed on my hips and rubbed up and down. As my arms wrapped around his neck I started to think to myself 'this is going to be amazing..'


Hello again. I just wanted to say thank you for all of the reads and votes and such and that after next chapter I will add splendy and trendy to the mix!!! And with that I must say goodbye!

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