Save Me

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There you were, standing at your front door, exhausted from the horrible day you just had. You tried to forget what happened at school today but you just couldn't.

It was the last day of the semester and your boyfriend, Jimin, just broke up with you because he didn't like how close you were with your best friend, Taehyung.
All you wanted to do right now was go to bed and just forget about it all.

You were about to enter through the front door of your house but your older brother, Jin, opened the door before you could.

"Y/n! GUESS WHAT!" Jin exclaimed with the most excited look on his face while pulling you into the house before closing the door.

You were shocked by his expression but remained calm. "What's up?" You asked, half hopeful that it was something that would turn your day around but also half not because you felt like just staying hidden from the world.

"When mom and dad get home from work, they're taking us out to a holiday resort!"

"What?! But that's in an hour," you said, suddenly not in the mood to have fun.

"Isn't that better?" He asked, a bit confused.


"Why not?"

"It's just that I'm really tired and hungry and I didn't even pack yet," you said.

"Do you want me to make you a quick snack before we leave?"

"No, it's okay. Can't I just stay home?"

"You know you can't do that. Then who will take care of my precious little sister?" He said with a cheeky smile on his face. Jin looked at you for a while then asked, "Y/n are you okay? Is something wrong?" He put his hands on your shoulders and looked into your eyes with such concern.

You smiled at his kindness. He's always been this caring of you. "I'm fine, Jin. Just a little tired, that's all."

"Alright," he said after staring at you for a while, then pulled you into an embrace. He hugged you for a long time before letting go. "Ok, now you go pack up."

It took you about 30 minutes altogether to get changed out of your school uniform and pack your bags. You had just laid down on your bed when Jin came in with two bowls of ramen.

"FOOD!" you exclaimed, excitedly and almost fell off your bed.

He laughed and gave you one bowl.

"Thank you!" You said with a huge smile on your face.

"Anything for you," he smiled. You ate together quietly until Jin decided to break the silence. "Okay, now tell me what's wrong."

You knew that he was going to ask. You guys were close like that. You told each other everything and always knew when something was wrong. He even knew about Jimin but you decided not to tell him the truth because of how protective he was over you. "It's just that Jimin didn't come to school today so I'm kinda sad that I didn't get to see him," you lied.

"Really? That's what you were sad about?" He shook his head. "What's up with you teenagers always getting upset over the smallest of things?"

You laughed and threw a pillow at him. "Hey! You're still in high school, you know." You said. Your eyes then shot open at the mention of school. You remembered that Jin didn't go to school today because he had a drivers' test to go to. "Oh yeah, how did the drivers' test go?"

Jin reached into his pocket for something, then brought out a card, with a huge smile on his face. It was his drivers' license.


𝐋𝐞𝐭 𝐌𝐞 𝐁𝐞 𝐘𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐇𝐨𝐩𝐞; j.hs ✔Where stories live. Discover now