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Sarah smiled. Things had certainly come a long way since first she stepped into the King's court. This was truly a momentous occasion and it was expressed on everyone's face, even that of Tyrande. A small smile lifted the corners of the High Priestess' mouth.

Illidan turned and held out his hand to Arcaena. She moved forward and stood at his side. "This is my first Lieutenant, Arcaena." Illidan introduced her to the assembled group who did not know her. "She has fought valiantly at my side for many years even before the ... unfortunate events at The Black Temple." He then turned and addressed Sarah directly. "I wish to thank you, Sarah Metcalfe, for befriending my wife and ensuring others did the same."

"W - Wife?" Sarah gasped. She turned stunned eyes to Arcaena. "You were married all this time?"

Tyrande's smile faltered a little, but she quickly recovered when Malfurion glanced her way. At that same moment, Khadgar had recalled the story of the unrequited love between Illidan and Tyrande. The Leader of the Kald'orei's fading smile had not escaped his notice either.

"Yes," Arcaena grinned. "And I owe you a debt Sarah which I cannot think of how best to repay."

Sarah stepped up and faced the night elf demon hunter who had become a good friend. "Stay alive! That is all you need do."

Khadgar stood arms crossed, laughing lightly to himself. Sarah had even managed a happy reunion between the once named Betrayer and his bride.

"I must speak with Illidan," Sarah continued to Arcaena. "Well, both of you probably, considering," she smiled, still amazed by the fact that it had been Illidan's wife she had befriended all this time. She had thought the relationship between the two had been nothing more than Arcaena's infatuation, a crush. She proceeded to inform them of her communications and how it would combine with the plans to close the Tomb. They were listening intently when they were interrupted by a deafening noise. The grinding of stone was screaming from the direction of the Temple. The doors to the structure glowed with the eerie fel green leaking from around the frame and large hinges. Shadows of immense demonic creatures shimmered through the green rays pouring forth.

"It is time," Illidan said staring at the Temple.

"Tyrande, are you ready?" Malfurion asked.

The High Priestess tore her attention from the Temple and returned to the priestesses and mages. "Almost there," she replied resuming the incantations with the others.

King Varian shouted the command to ready arms. Everyone fell into place.

Khadgar crossed to Sarah, his steel eyes fiercely protective. "You are sure?"

"Yes," she replied. "Positive. Now please, stay safe and protect Drew and Erik for me." She gave him a parting kiss. "Illidan, Arcaena, good luck." She shouted to them as she moved towards the Pillars.

Khadgar ushered Drew and Erik forward and they made their way across the grounds to the avenue leading to the front of the Temple.

Illidan and his demon hunters readied themselves at the top steps of the building. The doorway continued to pulse green with the moving shadows approaching the entrance.

"She awaits you," came the mystery voice, much closer now. Still, it sounded in only Sarah's head.

"I am here," she replied silently. "Just a little longer."

The doors of the Temple burst open and the first of the demons emerged. The now familiar consortium of felguards, felhounds, succubi, darkhounds, felstalkers, wrathguards, infernals, abyssal poured forth.

The Dark Times Will Pass -  Book 2Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang