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Drew stirred first to the sound of someone singing

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Drew stirred first to the sound of someone singing. Then the welcoming smell of food being cooked reached his nostrils, pushing the remnants of sleep from his body. He squinted his eyes and looked around the room. Where the hell am I? He wondered. The plain white walls, wooden window frame with a burnt out candle on the sill were unfamiliar. It took a good few minutes for him to remember the portal and register he and Sarah were now in World of Warcraft – for real!

He swung his legs over the cot and pushed himself up. A little wobbly on his feet, to begin with, he steadied himself by grabbing hold of a sideboard next to the cot. A few deep breaths and he felt ... only slightly nauseous. His body felt clammy, uncomfortable. He pulled off the jacket and T-shirt he still wore and threw them down on the cot. Slowly he started towards where the irresistible pull of hot food beckoned.

The hallway opened into a generously sized room that seemed to serve as both a dining and living area. It was basic, with stone walls, wooden door, two windows. He looked out one of them and marvelled at the sprawling landscape with its lush foliage and high trees which were embracing the start of autumn. Subtle golds, ambers, reds and browns mingled in with the rich and varied greens.

A heat source came from his right and his attention was drawn to the fireplace. A big slate hearth with a sprawling stone surround and heavy wooden mantle housed the yellow and orange flames of a fire not long since stoked. Fresh logs were blistering and crackling as the flames licked them hungrily.

Two heavy-set armchairs with colourful throws were positioned in front of the fire, a footstool in close proximity to one. By the looks of it, someone had slept in the chair, a pillow and extra blanket still lay crumpled on its seat.

The clatter of crockery and pots came from further to his right and round the corner from the chimney breast. He craned his neck round to the source of the sounds. A smile slowly crept on his stubbled face.

Sarah, her back to him as she busied herself preparing breakfast, was wearing her earbuds plugged into her phone. The tinny sound of music could just be heard over the sizzling of ham, sausages and eggs cooking on the stove. He watched as her hips swayed and her feet tapped back and forth. She was bobbing her head in time to the beat and singing along to T-Rex Get It On.

He leaned against the corner of the stone wall and watched, arms crossed over his chest and with a soft smile playing on his lips. This was the happiest he had seen her in weeks. It was good to see, in fact, it was a relief. And, he had to admit, her swaying there in nothing other than a long shirt which reached halfway down her thighs, was also rather ... pleasing.

The song ended and she turned around with a pan full of delicious looking scrambled eggs. The pan nearly landed on the floor when she caught sight of him standing bare-chested, arms folded and watching her with a sly smile. She stumbled and he quickly sprang into action catching her arm, saving the breakfast from landing on the floor.

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