"Do you think that Melaine can hear us?"

It was a pure nightmare and Rohan hoped to wake up from its terror. There's no way that the clown could have known Melaine's name and read his thoughts aloud. The man, to Rohan's horror, pushed two fingers in his mouth to retract his cheeks and adjusted a steel dental gag inside his mouth before taking care of his trembling hands and tied his wrists together with a cloth. He started unbuttoning back of Rohan's hospital gown and lowered the shoulders placing a kiss on his right collar bone than shifted to left. Rohan's body withered underneath the blessing of cold touch of hands which made his skin crawl yet he heard himself sighing as the man kissed down his chest; rubbing and scratching his ribcage and drifted his mouth lower to Rohan's naval. Rohan shuddered, a sickening nausea churned his stomach as the clown circled his belly button with his long red tongue and stop to nip at his pelvic bone. To Rohan, it must have been a surreal dream; the predicament of the infected anesthesia, else why he would he be getting more aroused given each second for someone he had feared too long. He shivered as cool air hit his painful arousal when the man lifted his gown up and smirked down at him before closing his hand around the erection which had become purple because of excessive blood flow to his manhood. He smeared the bead of pre-cum on the head with his thumb and Rohan found his hips thrusting into his hand. He moaned loudly as the man took his sensitive arousal in his mouth and he couldn't help himself from thrusting into his mouth, letting his drive to overtake him to seek some relief from the burning pain in his entire body. Tongue swirled around his swollen head and teeth scraped down his hardened length which made him hiss both in pain and pleasure and he shifted his pelvis to thrust deeper into that person's warm throat who was giving him pleasure. Strong hands closed around his thighs and the man lifted his legs up to his shoulders to take him deeper in his throat and sucked him mercilessly. Tears started to leak out of Rohan's eyes in confused pleasure and shame which began to pool down in his coiled groin, his muscles clenched before he ejaculated himself in the man's mouth and spasmed back into the bed. His heart seemed to burst in his chest and ears, blood roared in his swollen veins of arms and legs again and it didn't take him a minute before he found himself hardening again.


He wasn't sure what he had been pleading for, either to be released or to be left alone. The man unzipped his pants and lowered his briefs releasing his own strained arousal, and opened himself before dropping his hips on Rohan's hard erection making the boy moan shamelessly. He cried not knowing whether it's from fear or the pleasure, perhaps both which were shooting up his spine. He thrashed around his feverish body to seek some control over his arousal filled mind but couldn't stop himself from meeting each thrust of the man jerking his hips up to penetrate into his heat much deeper. The man rose his hips and slid down with force; muscles tightening around Rohan's erection and rode him out of his second orgasm who still felt his body high on arousal and raised his hips in the air begging to be released again. The man started to move his hips again without giving the boy time to recover and drew couple orgasms out of drained Rohan who had been a complete mess of tears, sweat and cum but begged again and again till incoherent sound fell from his retracted mouth which failed to sound like syllables of Melaine returned to his subconscious.
 "She can't hear me in this room." The painted face man pulled out an injection from his pocket smirking and took off the cap of the injection between his teeth.
"Do you know what'll happens if I put this anaesthesia in your neck?" He questioned positioning needle at Rohan's neck who had completely lost the comprehension of language.
 "But I'm sparing you for this." The clown rubbed Rohan's back and shot needle in his spine making him flinch. Rohan started losing sensations in his lower body and the fear, let alone, had paralyzed his exhausted body to the hospital bed.The cheek retracter along with the sickening fear didn't allow him to form a word. It had either been his sleep paralysis but he could have moved his upper body, if he tried to, so he convinced himself it's a haunting dream because of some sedative that his nurse must have given him hours ago.The man raised finger to his lips before taking out a dressing roll from his pocket.
"I'll show you a magic trick." He giggled and waved the bandage roll in front of Rohan's closing eyes in drowsiness of the sedative.
"Remember, this terror is real." The clown spoke rolling the bandage around Rohan's eyes and hummed him a tune as if putting a child back to sleep.
 "The fear on your body is as real as you are." The clown covered his entire nose and rolled the dressing beneath his chin back to his head tying a knot.
"But I'm just figment of your imagination." The clown left Rohan's retracted mouth open for air and pulled back observing his work in admiration. He gave another giggle and clapped his hands at the perfection of his work.
"I'm born out of your fear."The clown told him as he poked suture scissors in Rohan's mouth and tugged at his the lower lip with the scissors.
"It's you who has called me here." The clown grinned taking out Rohan's tongue by the forceps and pinched flesh of his tongue between the blades. Rohan tried to turn his head away from him in the nerve chilling fear of what was about to happen to him but his drugged mind finally betrayed him as he faded out to the darkness numbed to the pain, not before hearing Melaine's voice in his ear.

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