Divide and conquer

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Rana took another swig from the bottle of scotch, emptying it and then sighed; irritated that she barely felt the alcohol after drinking half a bottle of her own.

Around her the others were dancing around, some of them already crashing on the sofas while one of the vampdemons was draining the human that had been caught earlier.

Caroline was stirring inside her own body, making Rana uneasy and she scanned the room in an attempt to find another bottle to drink from.

Instead her eyes were caught by Zander, who was staring at her hungrily from an armchair and a smirk grew on Caroline's lips as the demon rose and moved towards her.

Oh no, 'flirty man' is coming over here. He's going to touch me, he's going to touch, he's touching me, dear God he's touching me.

Caroline's body was pressed against the wall Rana had been leaning against and Zander's hands were travelling up her thighs with his mouth on her neck.

Caroline felt sick when her body reacted to his touch as her back arched, pressing herself closer against Zander and her mouth parted in a soundless moan.

Caroline felt like she was falling apart as the memories of being Damon's chew toy returned and the trauma overwhelmed her as Zander's hands continued to violate her body.

If she could, she would have crawled into a corner so she never had to face the rest of the word again. But Caroline had never been one to hide so she did what she knew best; she fought back.

Zander blinked in confusion when they were suddenly standing in Rana's room, where Caroline had taken them to in vamp speed. Caroline smiled sweetly at him as she had managed to take back control over her body and snapped Zander's neck with a quick movement.

Caroline took a step back and watched as black smoke escaped the vampire's limb body with a nauseated look in her eyes. He wasn't bad looking and his hygiene was remarkably better than the others, but the thought of his hands on her made her skin crawl.      

I need to talk to the others. The other vampire must have had a phone somewhere.

Caroline frantically searched the room, while she fought Rana, who was trying to take back control. When she finally found a phone lying on a dresser, she quickly dialed the Doctor's number.

Caroline looked at the body on the floor with a worried glance, not sure how long it would take for him to wake up. He wouldn't be possessed anymore, but the vampire was probably just as rabid as Zander had been when he had control.

"Doctor." Caroline spoke hastily as soon as her call was answered.

"Caroline?" a dark voice asked at the other end and Caroline looked at the number she had dialed with confusion. It was the correct number, but somehow she had managed to reach someone else.

"Dean?" she asked incredulously and Caroline felt how she lost the tiniest bit of control, when the surprise made her let down her guard slightly. "Why are you answering the Doctor's phone?"

"I'm answering my own phone. How are you even calling me? Wait, is this Rana?!" Dean said with an angry voice and Caroline could hear someone move closer to Dean at the other end. The Doctor must had redirected his phone to Dean's, probably without the Winchester's knowledge.

"No. It's me. I took control. But it won't last very long. Just tell the Doctor I said this: 'I jumped off the roof' and he'll know it's me." Caroline told Dean and hoped that the Doctor would understand her vague reference to Caroline's jump as Sherlock. She heard Dean repeat her words and shortly after came a confirmation that it was her.

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