When in Rome...

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Caroline ran as fast as she possibly could, cursing herself once again for not wearing her flat boots that day. Of course, she hadn't expected to be part of a chase and let alone one, where she would be the chased one. And now she was more or less trapped inside a city surrounded by walls with no idea how to get out.

Bonnie's dark hair blew into her face as she heard them behind her and she took a sharp turn around a corner, running down another narrow street of the endless maze she seemed to be in.

She had only energy enough to appear as her dead best friend, when the guards were watching and as soon she was out of their sight her blonde hair was back.

But at least they didn't have her real face if they decided to issue a warrant for arrest, when she in the end escaped them. Because Caroline had no doubt that she would; it was only a matter of how.

Who would ever had thought that the Pope had vampire-proved the Vatican state? And that the Swiss Guard mainly consisted of professional vampire hunters?

The only ones inside the state that didn't carry vervain and wooden stakes were the tourists and Caroline had suddenly found herself in a dangerous situation.

Perhaps breaking into the Vatican library, one of the eldest and most secure libraries in the world, hadn't been the best idea, but the thought had intrigued her and she knew it wouldn't leave her mind before she actually did it.

And even though she was now being chased by people, who wanted to kill her, she couldn't stop herself from smiling.

Right now her only hope was to outrun them and hide somewhere until she found a mean of escape. But that was easier said than done, even for a special-skilled vampire like herself.

Because not only were vampire hunters chasing her, but witches had also placed spells around the borders of the city, preventing her from escaping Vatican City and from using her supernatural speed.

Caroline duck in the last second, when a wooden bullet flew over her head and imbedded itself in the wall beside her. She stopped her running for a moment to look after her chasers and she quickly realized that she had to find a place to hide quickly.

Out of the corner of her eye, Caroline noticed a small alley that hopefully would be able to hide her. The shadows covered her as she dived around the corner and moments later several men came running by without noticing her.

The alley was dark and ended with a brick wall, where a small fountain hung. Caroline was surprised to see a big blue box that said 'POLICE BOX' stand in the one corner and she slowly moved towards it.

When she suddenly heard the guards turn around and come towards her again Caroline quickly jumped into the blue box and locked the door behind her.

"Hello..." a voice said hesitantly and Caroline spun around in surprise.

Because of her quick entrance she hadn't noticed the large room she was now standing in nor the man, who was looking curiously at her.

The sight in front of her made her loose her breath for a moment and she took a step back in astonishment, making her back hit the door she had just closed.

What was in front of her was like nothing she had ever seen before and even though she had always hated physics, she knew that this defied every law of it.

She was certain that she had just entered the small police box that was placed in the alley, but now she began to wonder if she had missed something. Maybe the wall behind the police box was a part of it and that was the reason that such a big room could be inside such seemingly little space.

"Bigger on the inside. Mind-blowing, I know!" the man suddenly said enthusiastically with a big smile on his face and jumped down a couple of steps to get to her. Caroline registered with a frown that he was British.

"But- I- It's- What is going on here? Is this some kind of trick, because I'm really not in the mood for it and you don't want to see me angry." Caroline said, unsure of what to do with herself. The man in front of her just kept smiling and Caroline raised her eyebrows as she suddenly noticed his attire.

The man looked to be in his mid-twenties and looked rather... goofy. He had a large hair that fell in front of his right eye and what Caroline could best describe as a baby face. He looked younger than his age, but there was something about his eyes that completely contradicted the rest of him; they looked so old.

But it was his clothing that made her wrinkle her nose. He was dressed in a light brown tweed jacket with a white dress shirt underneath and because of his open jacket Caroline could see that he was wearing suspenders. The suspenders were clipped onto the dark pants and matched his burgundy colored bowtie.

Great. A hipster.

"No no no... It's not a trick! It's my TARDIS!" the hipster quickly told her as he waved his hands in the air.

"Is it magic?" Caroline asked and was wary of his over-the-top enthusiasm. The way his eyes darted around the room, made her wonder if she should leave him alone with it as she felt like she was intruding an intimate moment.

"Magic? No, but that would have been fun, though." the man said with a wide smile on his face and looked at Caroline with excitement in his eyes.

"Who the hell are you?" she then asked, still standing with her back against the door. He looked at her for a long moment and then placed his hands in his pocket before answering with a secretive smile on his face.

"I'm the Doctor."

Adventure Time with Caroline Forbes [multifandom]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora