Chapter Twenty Six (Part III)

Start from the beginning

"Jerome did it." She replied simply, making me smack my lips as I mugged her. She plays too damn much. Mookie glared at me and I saw her ball up her fist before she tried to swing at me. "Wait, I was kidding." Aireka said quickly as she grabbed Mookie to prevent her from hitting me.

"That's not funny, I was really about to whoop his ass for you. Don't play like that." Mookie said rolling her eyes playfully. I was glad to see Mookie able to joke around and be in good spirits, even if it almost got my ass beat. Again.

"My bad." Aireka chuckled.

"So what really happened to your face?" She asked.

"I'll tell you later, we're here for you. Right now we're just concerned about how you're doing." Aireka told her as she grabbed her hand. "I know how much your Daddy meant to you, he wasn't just your Daddy, he was ours too and we just wanna make sure that you're okay."

"I really don't know what to say, this is still so unreal to me right now." Mookie admitted as she shrugged her shoulders. She wiped her eyes and then rubbed her hands up and down on her dress. I know her hands were wet as hell from all them damn tears.

"Don't do that. You gon' ruin ya makeup and your clothes." I joked, trying to lighten the mood again. She nodded her head and laughed lightly as I watched her eyes begin to water all over again. "Come here." I said pulling her into my chest. I felt her let out a big sigh as I wrapped my arms around her tightly.

I could feel her tears wetting my shirt and her body shaking in my arms as she cried. I tried my best to keep my composure and I couldn't do anything but just hold her. After she had finally collected herself, we went out into the hall so we could talk in private while Aireka stayed in the waiting room. "How's Mama Danielle doing?" I asked quietly.

"Not good. They had to sedate her and they might admit her because her blood pressure is so high that she's at risk for a stroke." She informed me, making me sigh. She folded her arms across her chest and leaned against the wall as she stared down at the ground.

"Damn." I mumbled lowly as I shook my head. "So what happened, if you don't mind me asking?" I said to her. She closed her eyes and took a deep breath before she began to speak.

"When Marcus and I were dropping EJ off Daddy was complaining about being dizzy and nauseous. So since EJ was asleep, we left him with Daddy while Marcus and I went to get him some medicine and something to eat."

"Well the next thing I know, Mama was calling me talking about I needed to go back to the house as soon as I could to meet the ambulance." She paused for a moment to take a deep breath to prevent herself from crying. "But by the time the paramedics got to the house he was already dead with no pulse but eventually they were able to revive him. Once they finally got him to the hospital and began his open heart surgery, he died on the operating table." She explained to me.

"Mookie I-"

"They tried over and over again to bring him back but it didn't work. He's gone Jerome. He's really gone. My Daddy is dead. M-my Daddy!" She continued as I watched tears stream down her cheeks.

My heart broke as I listened to the pain and sorrow in her voice. I could tell that she was trying her best to keep her composure and not break down again. I could tell she was hurting and it hurt me to the core because I couldn't do or say anything to fix it or make her feel any better. I was just stuck.

"It's my fault." She cried as she put her face in her hands. Her shoulders were shaking as well as her whole body. "Oh my God this is all my fault. I shouldn't have left him. I should've just stayed with him. I could've been there. If I would've been there I could-"

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