Chapter Seven

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"Good morning Mrs. Jackson, it's good to have you back." My receptionist smiled as I walked through the doors of my office.

"Good morning." I smiled. "It's good to be back." It was ironic that my first day back at the office was on Valentine's Day. It was so hard leaving my baby today but I know Chris and Ms. Yolanda will take good care of him.

The timing of my water breaking and going into labor was a hot mess. After going to breakfast with Jerome, all the family and I went to church. I made it through the most of the service, but when I went up to the alter for special prayer, my pastor laid his hands on my stomach, began to pray and my water broke. Right there in front of the church and everybody.

Since I'd just had Arianna a year ago and due to the size of Christian, I wasn't able to have him naturally. I had to have a c section. I was totally against it but I was willing to do anything as long as my child got here safe and we were both healthy.

Recovering from the c section was hell. I was in so much pain and I wasn't really able to care for my child like I wanted to. Christopher was amazing the first few weeks after coming home with Christian.

He made sure Christian and I were taken care of as well as the kids, his mom, the housework, and his actual career.

Surprisingly, Liyah, Zyonn and Austin were all huge helps around the house while I was in the hospital. Austin would take the kids to school in the morning and Zyonn would pick them up. Aaliyah and Austin would cook dinner and help the kids with their homework and made sure the house was clean.

My baby's did everything they could to help and I truly appreciate them for that.

I'm just glad my six weeks are up and I've been cleared to have sex. I plan to put it down tonight, being that it is Valentine's Day. I got my birth control implant last week and I know it's kicked in by now.

Chris woke me up with breakfast in bed as one of my Valentine's Day gifts. It was so delicious and the presentation was life giving. Chris is the sweetest.

As soon as I stepped foot into my office, an instant smile spread across my face. There were roses everywhere. My entire office was filled with them. The sight alone made me want to cry.

I took a picture from the doorway of my office and uploaded it to Instagram but I didn't feel the need to write a caption.

I walked through the path of roses to my desk and sat my briefcase and purse on it before sitting down. I smiled before biting down on my bottom lip.

I decided to call Chris to thank him for all the flowers and to check on Christian.

"Hello." He answered on the fourth ring.

"Hi baby, thank you for all of my flowers. They're so beautiful Christopher." I said as I leaned back into my seat and bit down on my bottom lip.

"You're welcome baby. I'm glad you liked them." He said making me smile harder. I twirled my hair around my index finger as I spun myself in my desk chair.

"You must be trying to get some tonight." I smirked. I was cleared to have light sexual intercourse a few days ago but we still haven't had sex yet.

"Nah." He chuckled. "Just trying to make my baby happy." He said making me blush like hell.

"I'm always happy when I'm with you Christopher, you make me happy." I told him honestly.

"Ain't that sweet." He cooed sarcastically.

"I hate you." I laughed.

"That's fine." He chuckled.

"Anyway nigga." I sang loudly. "How're my babies doing?" I asked with a smile on my face. I was missing my kids already and my day hadn't really even begun yet.

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