•Sun and Moon•

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Perfect Two: FabulousFarhan and amy_theQueen

Theme: Sun and Moon



It has been,
It has always been,
Darkness, my blanket
Dark space, my playgroud
Dark sky, my home

I belong to the nights,
With complimentary twinkling lights,
I'm a subject of gossip
among the school of fireballs;
"Oh poor, pale and patchy
Loneliest sight with silver grin...
Ask the daystar to lend you some sol"

A wicked trick of destiny
And the marriage of irony
Thats the life of me and Sunny
He is the king of the days
He knew he owed me
When he hit me with his rays
He illuminates and I'm his prey
Those sharp beams of bask
He rose and I was sold

He ignites the brightest for me, and yet,
I'm a shy shade of his shine,
In his desert of gold,
Im a cotton ball cold,
Solarized and soaking his luminary...

Sometimes during the spring,
When I isolate in his orb,
In his blanket of yellowness,
Our eyes meet,
Our hearts sync...
There's no denying of this crave,
I want to be burned by his flames...


A/N: This collaboration is divided in two parts. Please read the reply in the next chapter.

Presentation Credit: amy_theQueen

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