I'm Gonna Crawl.

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Judy. Judy Clark. Long blonde curls, a cute, soft looking, cherry colored mouth, brown eyes, shy smile, petite body, soft and quiet voice. That's her. Axls date. Axls girlfriend very soon judged by the way they're looking at each other.

She's nice. She's funny. She likes my curls and our new song.

I'm back home from band practice (alone cause'Axl went with her), locking my bike, searching for my keys and then walk into the kitchen, grabbing a can of lemonade from the fridge with a sigh, cause my hair stinks of lake water, but I'm too hungry to have a proper shower now.

"Is there something to eat?" I shout into the living room and get a "Look in the oven." back, immediately bending down to look inside and grabbing for the still warm plate of potatoes and chicken legs wrapped into silver foil.

Just as I want to take it with me to my room, my grandma enters the kitchen and as soon as I see her I'm remembering why I left my room through the window this morning. I freeze, plate in my hand, looking at her in slight shock.

"Where have you been?"

"Band practice...?"

"Don't even try. You know what I mean."

"I...", I sigh, looking to the side, than back to her, "Out with Axl."


"That's not your business, is it?"

She keeps calm, but her eyebrows are raising what's never a good sign, so I quickly try to walk past her, but she grabs me by my neck, surprisingly strong. "Sit down."


She shoves me back towards the desk, her voice still calm, but her tone tells me that talking back is useless. "Sit down, Saul!"

I huff, obeying, but looking to the desk flooded with anger. I am fuckin' old enough. Fuck that shit! Fuck- "Eat. I bet you left without breakfast."

She shoves a fork over the desk, then sits down as well.

"I'm not hungry."



"Yes you better pray to god if you keep on playing the rebel here."

I grab for it then, unenthusiastically stuffing a piece of potato into my mouth, but as soon as I gulp it down my stomach growls loudly and it's getting useless to claim I'm not hungry, so I grab for a chicken leg and begin to rip big pieces out of the flesh with my teeth. I see my grandma grinning slightly at it, what's making me even more furious but whatever. Food. I fuckin' need it today.

"So." - And here we go- "About last night."


"Explain yourself, will you?"

"There's nothing t-"

"Don't play the stupid kid, Saul."

"But you're treating me as one!"

"No. Your childish behavior speaks of it. So be an adult and explain yourself."

"I...oh damn-"

"Don't curse!"

"Yes, yes...what to explain? We were out-"


"At a friends house."

A deep sigh from her. "Where?"

"At...the goddamn Roxy..."- She gives me a hard glare- "God! Sorry! At the gorgeous Roxy-"

Just One Look.Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora