Ashes of Serenity [ch. 1-5]

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    “Son-of-a-bitch!” I said sternly slamming my prey against the bar walls knocking him unconscious. “Tsuki! Are you ok?” I rushed over towards her. She had a nice slit across her tan skin as the blood oozed. “How bad did he get you?” I grabbed her shoulders looking for any further damage. She rolled her eyes “Tykko it’s ok I’m fine, its just a small flesh wound, don’t worry so much..” She tied a bandage around it tightly securing it with a final tug of her teeth. I sighed with relief “I just wanted to make sure you were ok is all.” “Thanks but I think I’ll survive” she replied with a smart remark, I just chuckled and shook my head. We tied up the unconscious man “lets turn this douche bag in!” said Tsuki excitedly. “Lets get out of this place” I replied heading toward the exit, everyone started coming out of their hiding places. “Sorry you had to see that everyone” Said Tsuki. “Sorry about the damage...” I looked to the bartender. He was cleaning a glass in his hands with a cloth, “Yeah there’s always something..” he grumbled.

    We were walking along a dirt path dragging our criminal behind us. “I feel bad for trashing that guys bar” Tsuki sighed. “Yeah I do too.. But we didn’t have much of a choice he was going to attack, he knew we were looking for him and it’s better than having this damn vamp back out on the streets. He’s got a long hard criminal record.” “True” she replied. We came up to “The Cage” which is basically a jail. We turned him in, got some cash, as well as good karma. We aren’t bounty hunters or assassins, we are just trying to survive and get out of this damn place. We plan on doing that by gaining as much good karma as possible.

    This place... This place isn’t where you would want to be. This world is second below Hell. A damn wasteland. But those who live here call it Hell thinking that there could be no darker place. But there is. We call this shit hole of a wasteland the Underworld. There are some good people around here like any other place but a lot of ass holes... but sometimes I don’t blame them. The way it works down here is: "if someone puts their hands on you you have the right to kill them, if you put your hands on someone else they have the right to kill you." Simple but understandable right? Heh, well me and my partner, Tsuki, have been trying to get out of this place for months. Rumor has spread throughout this wonderful oasis that if you gain enough good karma in the Underworld there’s a good chance we could make it to the Overworld (a million times better than this dump) or The Cycle (the human world.)If you have a lot of bad karma then you are screwed and you go to Hell.

    “Hey Tsuki do you really think we will ever get out of this place?” I asked lounging in my hammock gazing at the huge full moons. Yes there are two moons in the Underworld, pretty awesome huh? Tsuki was relaxed across the room reading a book on her bed. She looked up at me worried. “It’s really hard to say, but I believe we can do it, we just have to keep doing good and we’ll get enough good karma in no time.” She smiled but her eyesight drifted to the lower corner of the room. I knew she was trying hard to be positive. “It is hard to say how much karma we have right now because it isn’t something we can see or measure ourselves. But we have to keep this up I can feel it we are getting so close!” “Ha ha that’s a good way to think!” She replied.

    We live in a pretty awesome tree house, It makes a good hideout since it is enforced with stone. It’s also covered in vines. We found this place abandoned out in the wastes, trust me this wasn’t easy to find. We fixed it up so good that it even has electricity! Just below is a beautiful lake.

    So you are probably wondering how we got here. Well to tell you the truth we don’t know how we got here or why. Last I remember I was in the human world going to bed, when I woke up I ended up here. Sometimes I wonder if we died or something but we would never really know. We heard of this person called the Oracle, and that we could get answers from her. We’ve been traveling around this wasteland asking where we could possibly find the Oracle, because we believe we don’t belong here. Only those with good karma are allowed to see the Oracle let alone enter the Sanctuary, Which is where people go to pass judgment to move on to Heaven, the Overworld, or The Cycle. Here’s a blueprint of the worlds so you don’t get lost, but if you are still lost after reading this then... there’s something wrong with you. ...Just kidding:

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