Ashes of Serenity [ch. 18-21]

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Chapter 18: EVANESCENT
    “Tykko? Ty?” A fuzzy voice made its way into my warped mind. “I think she’s waking up.” another voice appeared. I opened my eyes looking up into a bunch of familiar faces. “Ty!” Wish came up to tackle me. I groaned.”Ugh!” “Becareful Wish she just woke up.” Blade said. “Blade? What’s going on?” I said wearily. “Everything’s fine now.” he smiled back. I tried getting up, I realized I was in a pool of some sort of glowing clear liquid. “Ugh... what is this-thing?” I looked at the weird plant. “It is a leaf pool, it is a healing plant. Don’t worry you’ll feel better in a couple minutes.” I looked toward the voice, “Eve!” I was happy to see her. “So what happened to me? The last thing I remembered I was trying to fight Kura... Kura! Did she get away?” I asked intently. “She escaped.” said Sader. “Damn.. I was so close!” I pounded my fists. “Right now Kura isn’t what we should be worrying about. Right now you need to get your head on and get the picture.” Eve said. “Ok so what happens next?” I asked.
    “I need you to come with me Tykko, your friend is in dire need.” Eve said straight faced. “You mean Tsuki?” that got my attention. “Yes now come along.” She held out her hands. I took her hands as we orbed away. I was taken to a place surrounded by dirt. I looked around to see Vincent and Tsuki laying on one another like a beautiful dead couple. “What happened to them?!” I ran out towards them and knelt by them. “Don’t worry they just went through a hard battle. They will be fine, I just need help taking them back” Eve said. I looked down at them relieved. “Alright.” I said, Eve carried Tsuki and I slung Vincent’s arm around my shoulder. And away we Orbed.
    “What happened to them?” Blade asked as we made our way back. Blade came over to help me with Vincent. “It’s alright I got him.” I assured Blade. But he helped me carry Vincent’s other shoulder anyway. “Where do we take them?” I asked. “Follow me.” We followed her into a bigger medical room filled with rows of leaf pools. “Set them in one of these” Eve started putting Tsuki into the leaf pool and we did the same with Vincent. “What exactly are these things? And how do they work?” I asked. “Well they are healing herbs, they are special plants that produce a healing liquid that can heal almost any scar, it rebuilds tissue and rejuvenates energy.” “Wow these things sound amazing.” I lifted a giant leaf analyzing it. “They are. But they are even harder to grow.” A tall elfen woman replied. I looked toward her. “Hello my Priestess, I am Emmi. One of Eve’s freedom fighters.” She bowed. “Oh please don’t do that” I waved my hand in protest. “No need for bowing and just call me Tykko.” I smiled. “As you wish Prie-I mean Tykko.” she said it like it sounded awkward. I laughed “Don’t worry you’ll get used to it.” I looked at Eve. “How long do we wait?” “Oh it depends on them. They will wake up when they feel like. It shouldn’t be too long just be patient. There is one thing we have to tell you. Blade, would you like to do the honor?” We both looked at Blade. “What? You want me to tell her? Why?” Blade protested. ‘What the heck are they talking about?!’ I thought in my crazed mind. “He wanted you to take care of her so I think she has the right to know from her new knight.” “New knight?” Blade went wide-eyed. “Just tell her.” Eve said. “Ok. Fine. Tykko.” He looked at me in the eyes as mine filled with worry. “He sacrificed himself to save you. Kashi-is dead.” ‘There I said it’ he thought to himself. “What are you talking about? Kashi sacrificed himself?” I was in shock. “For what?” I continued. “He did it for you. So that you can live. It is his duty to protect you Tykko.” Eve said. “But-but why?!” I said clenching my fists. ‘If its one thing I don’t like it’s people sacrificing their lives for me.’ “Kura casted a curse on you with blood magic. She attached a black rose to your chest wrapping it’s vines around your heart. If Alistar was killed the vines would tighten around your heart killing you. But the rose required a sacrifice, you were meant to be the sacrifice. The rose could not be removed by hand. Kashi chose to be the sacrifice in your place by feeding the rose his own blood. And by doing that the rose released from you. And Kashi... I’m sure we will see him again in another life. He’s always loved you very much Tykko.” Eve finished.
    These words weren’t what I wanted to hear. I grew silent I clenched to myself for protection. “This wasn’t suppose to happen...” I said. “I didn’t want this to happen. I didn’t want anyone to get killed. Not over me.” I couldn’t take the guilt lowering my head. Tears silently wept from my eye lashes. Blade sat next to me for comfort, his arm rubbing my shoulder. “And actually before you go on blaming yourself. This was meant to happen. He was the perfect one for the sacrifice, it was his duty. And he did it rightfully but not in vain.” Eve said. “So in the end Kashi was suppose to die? That doesn’t sound right.” I said wiping away my tears. “How come you didn’t tell me sooner?” I asked looking at her feeling betrayed. “I could not. Then the future would have turned out differently if I had told you.” she said looking away. “He would still be alive.” I said shaky. “But you would’ve been dead.” Eve said. I looked at her then looked down. “So you said something about a new Knight?” I asked. “Yes, your new knight has been chosen by Kashi, have you know he doesn’t choose easily but he chooses the ones best suited.
    Blade you are now Tykko’s Knight.” “Me?” Blade pointed at himself wide-eyed. “Yes you of course!” Eve laughed. “Blade is- my new Knight?” I asked again to be sure, I honestly didn’t know what to think. “Don’t worry Tykko, Kashi made the right choice. Blade is loyal, dependable, and he will fight for you, and- he loves you.” She gave a smirk to that last one. “Huh?” I blushed. “What?!” Blade was in disbelief that she totally sold his secret out to the one girl he loved. He didn’t know how she would react so he clenched his jaw bitting his tounge. ‘How do I respond to that!?’ I thought. “Well I guess that’s good enough right Blade?” Eve looked at him. “Yeah..” Blade glared at Eve as she gave him a smile back. “Had to tell her sooner or later. Other wise you might have missed your chance. Don’t worry things will work out accordingly as long as you keep loving her right.” Eve whispered to Blade. ‘What are they talking about?...’ I thought to myself. I took a seat and stared at my best friend lying in the pool. ‘We may have lost a good man today, but he will never be forgotten. Farewell my fellow Knight, may the angels be with you to guide you home to serenity...’

    I didn’t sleep good last night, knowing that my own Knight had to sacrifice himself just for me to live made me feel like I wasn’t strong enough. I wanted to become stronger.
    That early morning we held a special ceremony for Kashi. We were all outside standing in front of a memorial stone, wearing white instead of the casual black. Eve said it is better to wear all white because its like a cleansing and the departed wouldn never want to see us sad. It was hard not to be.. I looked at the bundle of large white lillys I cradled in my arms, the flower of death. I’ve never worn a white dress before but I felt Blissful. All the boys were wearing a white tux, all the girls wore white dresses. I had a veil draped over the side of my face so you could hardly see. Wish and Sader were shedding tears, Eden stood properly, as so did Blade standing by me. I did not shed any tears that day, they have all been lost last night, I hated crying in public it was too much unwanted attention that I just don’t need right now.
    The ceremony was beautiful, its was bright and sunny with little balls of light floating around in the air. The priest was reading a short scripture form a tiny book but I didn’t pay attention to what he was talking about because I was lost in my own little world standing there with a straight sad face. The wind caressed my face as it tenderly swept through like a message of hope. ‘I will always guide you’ I heard a voice that seemed to hymn out of the nothingness. Maybe it was just wishful thinking. Maybe it was Kashi. “Does anyone have any words for the departed?” the priest finished. “I’m sure wherever he is, he is in a better place. I can feel it.” I smiled with no regret. Laying the lily’s delicately on the memorial. “We will never forget him.” Eve put her hands on my shoulders. “WAAAA!” Wish and Sader sobbed. “You guys?! Why the hard sobs? You know you should be happy he wouldn’t want to see us all crying over his grave!” I hugged them both. “It’s so sad!” Wish said. “It’s-so beautiful!” Sader wailed. “Oh you guys..” Eden shook his head. I just laughed and looked at Blade. His face was stone cold. I got up and went to him, “Hey are you alright? You seem tense.” I nudged his arm looking into his solitariness “I have to tell you something. Tykko. Can we talk?” he said. “Sure. What is it?” I looked concerned. “I mean privately.” he said. ‘Was this really that serious?’ I thought. “Ok” I replied unsteadily.
    “Hope we aren’t late.” A girl wearing a long white dress approached along side a man with a white tux. “Tsuki! You’re awake?” I ran over to her, excited to finally see them awake and well. “We are still alive right Vincent?” Tsuki looked at him. “Yeah... sort of.” he joked. “It’s good to see you are awake!” I said. I looked over at Blade as he looked discontent. I turned to him. “Hey you want to talk we’ll talk later ok?” I asked. “Sure that would be perfect.” he nodded. “Ok.” I smiled back, turning my attention to my bff and... her boyfriend? “Sooo whose he?” I nudged Tsuki curious. “Tykko this is Vincent, Vincent this is Tykko.” she said happily. I looked at her funny then steered my attention toward Vincent. “Nice to meet you Vincent.” I nodded. “So are you guys friends?” I asked scratching my head and Tsuki grabbed for his hand. “No! Ty he is my Knight.” I looked at her hand holding his again and then scratched my head. “Sooo are you guys together together?” ‘This is so... interesting!’ Tsuki’s ear twitched, “We’ll-” She looked at him. “Yes.” he said. ‘Oh Vincent...’ Tsuki looked at him and just melted. ‘Man she’s all goo-goo for him!’ I thought smirking.
    “Awesome!” I said. “So when did you guys meet? Did you meet while she was kidnaped or something or was he your secret lover?” I smirked. They both looked at each other and the look in their eyes said “complicated.” As most lovers are. “Ty you don’t remember but I was with Vincent before but some things have happened..” She said unsettled as she rubbed her other arm then grew quiet. “Ok..” I replied. Vincent let out a long sigh, “Long story short. After Kura’s Knight died I became Kura’s Knight. I did it only to protect Tsuki, and I became Kura’s Knight because I knew of her diabolical plans.” “So.. You didn’t tell Tsuki about your plan?” that made me pinch a little. “No.. I had to disappear for a while and leave her out of this for the time being. If she did know what I was doing she would have been distracted and worried.” ‘Why is this starting to sound all too familiar? Oh right. That’s what Kashi practically did with me.’ “I was still worried about you.. Until I found out where you were. I thought you were a traitor working for Kura. But it turns out he was a spy working undercover.” Tsuki said. “Wait. This is still wrong. Even if Kura was planning all these evil schemes shouldn’t you have stayed with her in the first place to protect her? That could have been an option.” I questioned. ‘I just hate it when the Knight’s believe “this is the only way” there are always alternatives.’ “That would have made things harder. I wouldn’t have known as much about Kura and her plans if I didn’t do it. Besides, I rescued her once I knew she was held captive.” he spoke with that same lifeless expression of his. “Well whatever you do, you better take care of her. And I mean in the right way.” I glared into his red eyes. ‘He’s a demon? I’ll see who is really is for myself.’ I thought.
    I looked down onto Kashi’s grave. “I’m sorry about your loss...” Tsuki gave me a hug. “It wasn’t anyone’s fault. Apparently this was suppose to happen, but I just don’t believe that.” I said. Vincent came up to the memorial, “I’ve known Kashi for centuries, we’ve been best friends and partners.” He slightly touched the memorial. “Sounds like you two have a long history together.” I said. “We have. He’s been the best partner of a Knight I’ve ever had, he’s always had good intentions, sucks that he had to go. Bastard..” he said shaking his head. “We’ll see him again. One day. In another life.” I said looking into the dancing feathers drifting in the wind where the balls of light followed. Somehow I could feel him in the wind, as if he was watching over us.

    Eve let us stay with her in the Sanctuary castle. Eden, Sader and Wish were announced to stay and train with Emmi to enhance their skills and knowledge. While they were staying at the Sanctuary, me, Blade, Tsuki and Vincent were in a hide out in the Underworld. We were back at The Grand Central, home of the soul keeper. “You souls have been getting into trouble again haven’t they.” Reaper sulked into the room. “Long time no see.” Eve said. It was actually good to see him again. “So you are all here waiting for the next thing correct?” He sat in his huge chair. “I see you have managed to rescue the Moon Priestess. It is nice to meet you Tsuki.” he was being nice. “It’s a pleasure to meet you” she gave a slight bow. “You know, Tykko here had a choice. I made a deal with her. She could either stay here and search for you, or I could send her back home. As you can see the result in her choice.” Reaper manifested a dark jagged cup in his boney hand and drank from it. “Wow really?” her eyebrows were raised at me. “I didn’t know that! But I knew she would come for me. She wouldn’t leave her sister behind.” I looked back at her and said, “That’s right” nodding at that reply. “And I can see that Kashi is no longer with us... how unfortunate.” His cup poofed away in a black cloud and he slouched. “This was suppose to happen Reaper, I’ve seen it in my visions and they don’t lie.” Eve replied. “No. They don’t. You must be having a hard time with this Tykko?” He steered his vision towards me. “Ah yes. But I am trying to coop having lost a good friend. But, since you are the soul keeper whoever dies goes to you first right?” I lite up eager. “Yes-. But not always.” he said. “But did Kashi come to you?” “No.” he stood up walking to me. “Where is he?” I asked. “Honestly. I don’t know. He was never sent to me which could mean two things. One, he’s been sent directly to The Cycle, or two, he’s been sent to Heaven.” “Oh...” I looked down. “Don’t worry Tykko, things will work out.” Eve patted my back and I gave her a quick smile as a thank you.
    “Yes, we need to get started. From what Eve told me Tsuki, you have awakened your Moon Powers.” “Yes.” she nodded. “What? You’ve awakened yours? How did you do it?” I came close to her. “I-I-I don’t know...” she scratched her head. “What do you mean you don’t know?!”  “I don’t know I forgot sorry.” “Great...” I pouted. “That leaves miss Tykko now. From what I’ve seen it only comes out in your most dire time of need. As in, it will only be awakened if you are in a helpless position and the one’s you love the most are going to be killed or die. Love seems to be the big key.” Eve said. “It’s always love.. Why can’t it be something else?” I crossed my arms. ‘Hmph! Love... all it does is just bring heart ache.’ “Things will change, you will learn, then you will see.” Eve said as if she read my mind, which she probably could of head that thought loud and clear.
    “Ok, so why are we here and what happens now?” Vincent grew tired of waiting. He wasn’t exactly patient. “Down to business, I like that. So now it comes to this. We’ve made new courses in our plans for all of you since the course has changed. You are all welcome to stay in my territory for the time being. “You are all back here for a reason and that reason is Kura.” Eve began. “Kura is still here in the Underworld.” “Where do we find her?” I grew stern at hearing that name. “From what I know if her plan did fail she was going to search for a way to get to The Cycle. That is her main goal.” Vincent replied. “Well where ever she is we need to find her. I want to take that bitch down for good and watch her burn.” I tensed. “Tykko, revenge is one thing, filling your heart with hatred will only cloud your mind making it even harder for you to release you Sun Powers. Don’t let revenge control your life.” “But-I feel revenge is the only justice. It’s the only thing that will make me feel better. And I’m sure Kashi would be happy to see me slaughter the one who killed him.” “She is right about that.” Vincent said. “Ok. But Tykko listen to me.” she came close to me and grabbed my arm. “Don’t make this whole mission about revenge. Revenge isn’t why you are fighting. Stay focused on what is important not what things you don’t want. Fill your heart with love not hate. Hatred will fuel her even more and make her stronger. If you fill your heart and thoughts with love she will be no match for you.” She let go of me and I had to really think about it but I would never doubt Eve’s judgment, she’s never wrong.

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