Ashes of Serenity [ch. 12-17]

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    “Is everything ready?” Kura stood staring at the circle on the floor covered with blood symbols. “Everything is in place.” said Tiara “It’s all ready.” said Safire. “Good lets begin the ritual.” The girls began lighting the candles, a sword and gold cup in the middle laid on top a scarlet robe. A skull watching over them. “Lefamin quon tetiera, fill the shard with blood. Atsar vala tessra, bring the Blood Butterfly to life to conquer, to devour all. Telamas hirigam! Call of the darkest beast to smother those that oppose, Take this blood as an offering to enter into this world!” Kura had a small dagger in her hand she slit her writst dripping the blood into the golden cup.     Safire and Tiara hid in the background as the circle began to light up. “Yes it’s working” Kura’s eyes grew with excitement. There laying on the floor was a pale man wrapped in black straps. Dark sharaded bent wings attached to his muscular back. He sat up wearily. His haunting orange eyes cried out the 7 deadly sins. His hair the color of long grey ash.

    He reached for the cup of blood and drank from it for power. He stood to his feet. “Who are you and why have you summoned me?” He said groggily. “I am Kura, Queen of the Underworld. I have summoned you, Alistar, for your assistance.” “What assistance do you ask of me? Why should I help you?” Alistar bickered.

    “I’m going to reek havoc onto all of the worlds, I want to see it all burn, all humans dead, reincarnation non-exsistant. I want a new order, the gods no longer have to control us. Alistar if you help me I can give you all of the souls you desire.” Kura approached him.

    “Very well, but I want one other thing...” he pulled Tiara and Safire from there hiding spot. “Ahhh!” screamed Tiara “Let us go demon!” Safire yelled. Alistar had his hands in the air and sternly clenched his fits. Blood began to slither away from their bodies and into his pale corpse. His wings became more vibrant as dark butterfly wings and energy was finally regained. The two girls bodies were no more. “Havoc? Souls? What will you have of me?” his smile left a sinister vibe in the air roasting with the darkest evil you can imagine.

    Shivering in the dark chambers, my hands were cuffed with cold rusted metal. “Ugh” I groaned lifting up my head with my long purple hair in my face. “Great where did they put me now?” I looked around, it was dark, but there was a glint of moonlight peering through the rusted bars of a window. A blast of light made my eyes retract as the doors swung open. “Dinner.” an anonymous figure stood in the shadows laying a tray on the floor, shutting the doors behind him.

    Tsuki could smell the sweet scent of food which she hasn’t had in days. “Food?” I tried getting up but found out my body was weak. “Dang legs!” I crawled on my knees and hands and started eating. The food was actually delicious. “Uhhh that was so good...” I burped patting my belly. 'Even though I'm their prisoner at least they have good food.' “I need to find a way to get out of here.” I stood to my feet looking through the small window in the door. Guards were surrounding the dungeon. “Great high security.. Ugh what am I going to do?!”

    The doors opened and there were two figures standing in the doorway. “Tsuki Cuna. Come with me.” Said a chilling man’s voice. My eyes grew wide, standing next to him was Kura. “Don’t cause us any trouble, now hurry.” Said Kura. I did as they said. ‘As long as I am out of the dungeon I have a better chance of getting out of here.’ I cautiously walked side-by-side with them. ‘What are they going to do to me now?’ I thought. They brought me to a room. “Wait here.” Kura closed and locked the door behind her. “Ok this is weird.” I said sitting in a chair waiting anxiously.

    “Are you going to do it?” Kura said looking at Alistar intently. “Of course I will, if it’s the only way.” He replied. “Then I trust to leave her in your hands. Don’t mess this up.” Kura walked away. “Trust me I won’t.” he replied as he watched her walked away.

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