I don't have the time

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This is a rant about me having to deal with teens that acts like they don't have home training at school.

There will ALWAYS be that one kid in my classroom that act like they don't have any self control.

I go to school to get my education, not to be annoyed/a parent to 15 and 16 year olds.

They have time to talk and play with their little friends before and after school,
I don't have the time to be dodging them like it's The Walking Dead because they're standing in my way.

My destination to point A is far from point B, I check the time on my phone and it says I don't have the time.

I would say they have the 5 minutes we get when the bell rings, but it annoys the daylights out of me when they're standing in the way of my destination.

"move out of the way, please and thank you -_-#".

I sound so blunt,my goodness ╯﹏╰.

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