Monday 3rd October, 2016

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Human are weird, incredibly so. We seek genuine freedom by studying what we're told. We're told to adventure, experiment, explore. To conquer your world like no one's ever done before. How you ask? By going places and observing the past! By seeking adventure and freedom, we seek an escape from boredom. But hardly any students can ever afford them.

Human are strange. We see beauty in a hurtful rose, or a wrecked grange. A colourful, cheap, cozy cushion cover means significantly less than that eau-de-nil, expensive, elaborately exquisite escritoire. Then when we find out it didn't belong to that man who died in 1895, the escritoire's value is quartered.

Humans should accept more diversity, that not everyone standing has the same mind as themselves. Not everyone's main interest is in trophies and certificates validating you and boasting on shelves.

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